Chapter 5

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[y/n's pov]: at the party:

My heart raced as I walked into the party with Emma. All heads turned towards her as she walked inside. She was looking stunning, with long, flowing hair and a beautiful and confident smile. She wore a stunning dress that hugged her curves in all the right places, as she walked with confidence and poise.

I closely followed her behind. As we entered, everyone in the room took notice. Though it was not really that surprising for me. I mean look at her...she is beautiful. But that made me feel a bit nervous and anxious but I tried to shake that feeling off my mind. I was distracted by my deep thoughts until Emma stopped in her way and turned around to take a look at me.

"I heard Mr. Lee will be attending the party as well", she said, and I nodded in response. "Let's try if we can get him on our good side?", she asked. "Yes", I replied and she smiled in response. Mr. Lee, the president of Lee foundation is one of the renowned businessmen in the country. Having a good relationship with his company will benefit us a lot. But I have heard he rarely attends or shows up at any business parties.

I was in my thoughts until a voice made me snap out of my thoughts. "Ms. Shin, how are you doing? You look beautiful", The voice said. "Jungkook", Emma replied, as a bright smile formed on her lips. "Jungkook?", I thought to myself. It can't be him. I assured myself. But still, my heart was pounding hard inside my chest. I didn't turn around to take a look at the person but I could tell he was probably standing behind me facing my back.

I finally decided to turn around and take a look at the person's face. And the moment I turned around, my eyes widened in shock. It was him...Jeon Jungkook. He had the same reaction on his face. I could tell he was stunned seeing me standing in front of him. We both stayed silent and looked at each other in complete astonishment but soon the heavy silence between us was cut short by Emma who decided to speak up.

"This is my secretary, Park y/n", she said, and Jungkook quickly looked back at her with an awkward smile, trying his best to act normal. "Your secretary?"he asked and I quickly lowered my gaze. So is Emma Jungkook's fiance? I thought to myself as I could feel the tension building between us. No...this is bad...

I don't know why but something felt off about this situation. I was not getting a good feeling. I could feel my palms turn sweaty. "Yes, she is my secretary. Is there anything wrong?", Emma asked and Jungkook sheepishly shook his head in a no. "No", he replied and went silent.

I could tell how uncomfortable it was for us both. Jungkook was Taehyung's best friend back in our college days. It's been 5 years since then...since I last saw him. I was trapped in my thoughts until Emma spoke up again and that made my whole world turn upside down. "Is Taehyung here?", she asked and I got frozen in my place.

T-Taehyung? N-No...

My whole body started shaking just at his name. And that's when I heard that voice again, the voice which I never wished to hear ever again, the voice which used to give me butterflies and now it has turned into my worst nightmare.

"I understand, Mr. Ron", the husky voice said.

My heart skipped a beat as I gathered up courage and slowly raised my head up to look in the direction the voice was coming from. And my nightmare had finally turned into reality. It was w-was...h-him. He was standing across the room talking with a man with a glass of wine in his hand. I could feel my heart throbbing inside my chest.

And suddenly, his gaze diverted in our direction. And that's when our gaze met. It felt as if for the time being the time had stopped. Seeing him brought back a flood of emotions. I felt a mix of shock, disbelief, and anger stirring up inside me.

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