Chapter 13

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[y/n's pov]:

I couldn't think straight as I made my way out. I quickly took my cell phone out of my purse and was about to call for a taxi but was startled to find out that there was no range available.

"Sh!t", I cursed in almost an inaudible whisper.

I took a glance around, foreseeing a taxi nearby but could hardly find one. I decided to keep running regardless. All I could think was that I had to reach home. I halted in my tracks as a sleek black car abruptly pulled up to a stop beside me by the roadside, taking hold of my attention towards it.

The window of the car swiftly opened and upon the person sitting inside at the driver's seat, I was taken aback.

"Hop in", He says and I find myself staring at him, blankly. Why is he here? Shouldn't he be attending the party? A thought crossed my mind.

He keeps staring back at me, waiting for me to get inside the car.

"No, thanks", after a moment of silence, I replied and looked away from him and began walking again.

His eyebrows drew together as he watched me walk away and started to drive at a slow speed along my side. That was until I stopped in my tracks again and looked back at him again.

"I said get in", He said in a profound voice.

"You won't find any taxis that easily here." I open my mouth to respond, but his words strike me silent. Having no other option left with me I opened the door and took my seat beside him.

"Where were you rushing to?", he asked.

"I need to reach home as fast as possible", I replied and he looked over at me thoughtfully.

"I'll guide you the way", I finish and look away.

He starts the car engine without questioning me any further.

[End of y/n's pov]

A while later: [Author's pov]

The moment he stopped the car, y/n hastily got out of the car and made my way towards the door. Taehyung silently watched her and got out of the car as well. He didn't question her why she hurried back or anything because back then in the car he saw how worried she looked and that one look was enough for him to know that something was wrong.

He followed her behind and stood behind her as she knocked on the door impatiently, waiting for someone to quickly open it. After a few minutes, the door finally opened revealing Y/n's mother Mrs. Park, who froze down at her place the moment her eyes laid on the figure standing behind her daughter.

Y/n didn't waste a single minute and surged towards Ara's room. Taehyung stood in his place as he watched y/n hurry inside.

"Is everything alright?", He asked and Mrs. Park just blankly gaped at him for a while.

"That-", she finally decided to speak but was cut short by Y/n's voice from inside.

"Mom", y/n said, and she quickly made her way toward the room. Taehyung also followed her inside, wondering what was happening. The moment Mrs. Park opened the door of Ara's room, Taehyung's eyes went wide open at the sight of Ara helplessly lying in her bed with a folded wet cloth placed on her forehead.

He didn't think twice before leading his way inside the room.

"What happened to her?", he asked, his eyebrows now drawn together in concern.

He didn't bother to look at them as he raised a question and started checking Ara's body temperature.

"She is burning with fever", he paused and shifted his gaze back towards Mrs. Park who stood there watching him.

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