Chapter 6

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[Y/n's pov]:

"y/n?", the voice said, which made me tilt my head up to take a look at the person. My eyes widened in shock after seeing Jimin standing there in front of me, his hands firmly wrapped around me, supporting me from falling to the ground.

The moment his eyes noticed the tears in my eyes, his expression changed. He gave me a somewhat concerned and shocked look at the same time as he asked, "What happened? Why are you crying?", he inquired upon seeing my state. But no words came out. The feeling of hurt was eating me from the inside. I was not in the right state of mind to answer any of his questions.

And before he could ask anything any further I took a step forward towards him and placed my head against his chest, my tears soaking his shirt. Suddenly, he went silent.

[End of pov]

[Author's pov]:

Her tears fell like raindrops, each one a testament to the heavy weight she was carrying in her words. She sobbed uncontrollably, her body wracked with emotions as she tried to make sense of the feelings that were consuming her. The world around her faded away, and all that was left was the pain she felt. She couldn't even utter a single word as her lips quivered.

It's hurtful, isn't it? Facing the past again when you thought you already moved on from it. Facing people again who you thought you would never meet and then realizing you didn't move just learned to live with the pain. Hiding all those emotions deep inside you so that just one day they might burst out into uncontrollable tears...the tears which would not even be in your control.

It was as if a storm cloud had taken up residence inside her, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake it loose. The tears continued to fall, each one a tiny release of the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. In this moment, she was vulnerable, raw, and real.

Jimin stood stunned there, unsure how to react. The weight of her emotions hangs heavy in the air, as she clings to him. But soon he wraps his arms around her, holding her tight. He didn't ask her why she was crying at this point as he realized that all she needed right now was comfort.

This was probably the first time he saw this side of y/n. He always thought she was a strong lady who never shows her emotions no matter how much she suffers, but today he witnessed another side of her but he was glad that he was there for her on time when she needed him.

"Take your time. I am here", he whispered in a low tone as he caressed her back. Unaware, someone was watching them from behind one of the walls.

[End of pov]

[Taehyung's pov]:

I stood behind the wall staring at them. Who is that man? And why is he that close to her? I followed her behind and before I could approach her, that man appeared out of nowhere. My fists balled up just at the sight of her standing that close to some other man.

So hateful...

I couldn't withstand that sight anymore I quickly turned around and walked away from there.

[End of pov]

A few minutes later: [Y/n's pov]:

I walked back to the party hall. The thought still goes inside my head of how I accidentally bumped into Jimin here, as he was also here due to some business-related work. What a small world. Though I am glad I met him least I know someone is around to get me out of any awkward situation.

However, I didn't tell him about what happened because this is not something worth sharing. "Y/n", the familiar voice grabbed my attention, which made me look up at it and see Emma standing there with a worried look on her face.

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