Chapter 16

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Taehyung froze down in his place as I declared that Jimin is Ara's real father. The pain etched across his face as he stared at me in disbelief. No word came out of his lips as he tried to hold himself together, but the hurt was too deep, too raw.

I looked back at him, holding back the tears in my eyes which were at the verge of flowing down my cheek. I was about to turn around to take my leave but got stopped midway. I lowered my gaze and found Ara's tiny hands clung tightly to my white shirt, amidst the storm of tears.

"mumma...", her voice croaked. "I want to stay with uncle..", she added, her cries echoing through the air. At that moment, the world seemed to crumble, and my heart felt heavy. It was like an arrow piercing through, leaving a trail of pain and sorrow.

Taehyung heard that and stretched his hand out to reach out to her but I took a step backward, making him stop from doing so and look at me. His brows pulled together as he gave me a thunderstruck glance.


"Let's get going", I deliberately sliced Taehyung's sentence short and shifted my gaze towards my Mother and Jimin who were standing aside observing all of this in silence. They gave me a small nod and began following me out. Ignoring Ara's cry I kept on striding forward.

My heart was in pain. The hurt lingered, aching deep within, as if my soul itself had been wounded. The pain that I was feeling while separating a daughter from her father was like a storm of emotions crashing within me.

That was until, I felt a sudden grip around my arm which made me halt in my tracks again. Then made me forcefully turn around making me face the person standing behind me who was none other than Taehyung.

"You can't take her away from me", the air seemed to crackle with the energy of his rage. "You can't do this..", he added. I dumbfoundedly stared at him for a while before replying, "I can", I made myself clear. "She is my daughter", I jerked his hand away from me.

I tried to hide my pain beneath a mask of strength. I felt a fixed gaze on me as my eyes caught a glimpse of Mrs. Kim standing at a distance behind Taehyung enjoying the show in silence. She tilted her head a bit to the side, a smile playing on her lips as she shifted her gaze from me to Ara.

My body tensed up as I quickly looked back at Taehyung who had his eyes fixed on Ara. "You have no right to tell me what to do", I added as I watched him clench his fists tightly. "Stay away from my daughter", I declared.

"Y/n, you can't-"

"Mr. Kim", a familiar voice interrupted him from saying any further. My gaze diverted towards Jimin who was now standing before me, facing Taehyung. "If y/n doesn't want you near our daughter then respect her decision and stay away. I am grateful for what you did today. That's why I have stayed quiet until now but not anymore. Stay away from Ara..", he paused.

His eyes locked with Taehyung's as he continued, "And y/n", saying that he held my hand, making me blankly stare at our locked hands.

Next what he did was drag me out of there. My gaze lowered as I silently carried the weight of my pain and followed him out. Behind my eyes, a storm raged, but I refused to let it show. There was this heart-wrenching ache that was consuming me, leaving me feeling empty and lost.

I don't want to leave him heart is not allowing it. It feels like I am doing something wrong but...I think this is the best choice for both of us. Taehyung has long ago moved on in his life with Emma...and he left me. He has no right over my daughter. I won't let anyone take her away from me.

[End of pov]

[Taehyung's pov]:

I watched Jimin take away y/n and Ara with him but to be honest, At that instant, It felt like he was taking my whole world away from me. She was right...she is their daughter...I have no right over her but then why am I in so much pain? Why can't I bear to see him take them away from me?

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