Chapter 19

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[Author's pov]:

"What..are you saying?", Mr. Shin looked at Emma in disbelief and her gaze lowered. He couldn't digest the words which just came out of her lips. While she stood there, her fingers tightly gripping the delicate lace of her wedding gown, with a heavy heart she spoke up again.

"I can't marry Taehyung. I don't think I can", she finally glanced up at him again and said. "I have made up my mind, dad", she added.

Tears were blurring her eyesight as she said all that, it needed a lot of courage to do so while Mr. Shin just looked at his daughter in surprise thinking what made her say that and why was she acting this way.

"What happened, Emma? What's with this sudden change of mind?", he asked, pulling his brows together and giving her a serious stare. "I just can't do this marriage", Emma answered, as if she was hiding something from her dad.

"You have waited for this day for the last 5 years and today when it's finally going to happen then why are you suddenly backing off?", Mr. Shin couldn't understand what exactly was bothering Emma so much. He knew she loved Taehyung and there's no way she is saying that she doesn't want to marry him because she fell out of love. There was definitely something more to it.

"Don't do this. Taehyung and all the guests are waiting for you outside. Let's get going", He added and took a step forward Towards her but Emma backed off stubbornly.

"I said I am not doing this marriage", She raised her hand, palm outstretched, a silent plea for her dad to halt in his way.

Mr. Shin froze down in his spot, his brows pulled together as he gave her a concerned look. That was until, "What's going on here?", a husky voice grabbed their attention, making them look towards the door, just to find Taehyung standing there looking at both of them with a serious look on his face.

"Taehyung", Mr. Shin uttered. "We were just about to head to the hall", He added, trying to hide his uneasiness behind a smiley face. Taehyung gave him a slight nod in response.

"Emma, let's get going", Mr. Shin looked back at Emma who stood there silently with a grim look on her face. "Dad, I need to talk to Taehyung", she replied, still not willing to take a step further towards him. Taehyung noticed something was not right. He could sense the tension in the room.

"Emma you can talk after the marriage, right?, Mr. Shin asked and Emma repeated her words again,"Can you excuse us for a moment please?", Her words were very precise this time as if she was not ready to listen to anyone at the moment, like she knew what she was doing.


Mr. Shin looked at her for the last time before heading out. There was no anger or disappointment on his face because he knew whatever his daughter will be doing there must be some solid reason behind it.

Taehyung watched Mr. Shin walk out of the room leaving him and Emma all alone in the room as he shut down the door behind him. Soon he averted his gaze back at Emma who was standing before him with her gaze lowered and her fists balled up.

"Taehyung, I can't do this marriage", she lets out and Taehyung gives her a stunned look. "What?", he asked, trying to interpret whatever he heard was right.

She finally looked up at him and that's when Taehyung was taken aback after seeing her face. Tears were continuously streaming down her cheeks as she spoke up again,"Let's call this marriage off. I don't think I can marry you and..", she paused. "It's not like you were interested in it anyways", she smiled through the tears.

Taehyung stayed silent in his place. His gaze fixated on her, a serious expression etched on his face, his brows slightly furrowed, hands tucked in his pockets as he looked back at her.

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