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[4 years later]: [Emma's pov]:

A small sigh escaped my lips as I got out of the elevator. Soon my cell phone started buzzing in my pocket, catching my attention. I reached into my suit pocket, and retrieved it with a subtle motion.

As I retrieved my cell phone from my suit pocket, I glanced down at the screen. A soft smile appeared on my face as I saw dad's name displayed. With warmth in my eyes, I picked up the call. "Hello, dad."

[End of Emma's pov]

A few minutes later: [Author's pov]:

The sun dipped low, casting a warm golden hue over the bustling city streets. The glass of the office building reflected the fading light, and the polished marble entrance gleamed as Emma stepped out. Her heels clicked against the pavement, echoing her determined stride. She tossed her phone inside her pocket, as she descended the steps, her driver, clad in a black suit, held the car door open.

Emma's gaze swept across the street, assessing the traffic. Her car, a sleek black sedan, idled at the curb. But then, something caught her eye- a family of four.

On the opposite side of the road, they walked hand in hand. The parents, their faces etched with love and exhaustion, guided their two kids- a little girl with pigtails and a boy clutching a stuffed bear. Emma's heart softened, at their laughter that floated across the street.

She had worked hard her entire life just to build her empire, and made many sacrifices throughout the process. Lost her mother at a young age, then her love and even then she was strong enough to reach where she is. But was this enough for her? No.

Emma has always hoped for a home, where she was loved and valued unconditionally. But life never let her have that. And right now, she couldn't help but admire the simplicity of the family. Their love was palpable, and their love was unfiltered. For a moment, she forgot about everything as her eyes got locked on them.

She forgot about her next board meeting, the quarterly reports, and the relentless pursuit of success. They look so happy together. She thought to herself.

And then, a raspy voice interrupted her reverie. "What a beautiful family, isn't it?"

She gasped, her pulse quickened as she turned to the man standing beside her. His eyes held warmth that defied the chilly november air. He wore faded jeans and a leather jacket, an odd contrast to her corporate elegance.

"Excuse me", Emma said, her voice sharper than she intended and he chuckled, revealing a dimple. "Apologies for startling you. I couldn't help but notice you watching them", he gestured towards the family, who had now reached the other side of the road.

"I wasn't-", Emma's cheeks flushed.

" -admiring their love?", he finished.

She went silent at his words, her mind raced. His presence never failed to stir something within her, a longing she couldn't name. But she was scared to let him know about it. What if it again leaves her broken at the end?

"What brings you here, jimin?", she asked, tossing the subject. "Are you here again due to your work?", she added.

After y/n's and Taehyung's marriage everything went back to normal. Jimin went back to the USA and Emma got back to her work but this time determined to not let anyone break her again. That was until Emma kept on encountering Jimin again and again due to some or the other work.

Don't know what to call it. Coincidence, fate or something beyond that. Destiny kept on bringing them back together over and over again. And Emma who was determined to never fall for anyone again ended up falling for him anyway. But this time she was not going to chase things or people who don't want to be with her so she never confessed.

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