Chapter 10

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[Author's pov]:

"Why are you bothering my daughter?", a deep husky voice asked, making them all look behind. There stood Taehyung with a serious look on his face as he looked at those 5-year old girls standing before him.

"Daughter?", one of the girls whispered in a low tone while nudging her friend who was standing beside her.

"Looks like he is Ara's daddy...hurry and run", another one quickly whispered back to the other two as she quickly started running away from there and the other two followed her behind.

Taehyung silently watched them take their leave before shifting his eyes back towards Ara who was still standing in the corner with her head lowered and her tiny fists gripping onto her school dress tightly. Taehyung felt sadness flush over her just at the sight of the little girl.

He walked towards her and crouched down to meet her height. For the first few minutes there was nothing but silence between them until he brought his hand towards her face and wiped tears off her rosy pink cheeks. She looked back at him, sobbing. Her small eyes filled with tears and sadness.

The moment her eyes met Taehyung's he could feel his heart getting heavier as if he was the one who was in real pain.

And suddenly, Ara took a step forward towards him and wrapped her tiny arms around Taehyung's neck, hugging him. Taehyung was stunned by the sudden hug and froze down in his place.

Unaware of what to do next he just stayed still while Ara sobbed, crystal like tears flowed down her cheeks as she leaned against him.

"Are you-"

"Daddy..", Ara's voice cracked as she murmured in a low tone and Taehyung's eyes went wide open upon hearing what she just called him.

It felt like the time had stopped and everything that mattered in that moment was her. His heart melted upon hearing what she called him. In that moment nothing made sense to him and all he felt was pure love towards her as if it was his duty to protect and cherish her at any cost. He wrapped his hands around her and took her in his warm embrace.

"I am here...", Taehyung said as he caressed her back. After a few minutes of silence, Taehyung finally separated himself from her and looked back at her. A soft bitter-sweet smile played on his lips as he asked, "Do they bully you often?" And on hearing that she lowered her gaze and nodded her head in agreement.

[End of author's pov]

[Taehyung's pov]:

I asked her a question and she responded in a yes. I could feel anger boiling inside me just at the thought that this was not the first time she ever suffered through this. My eyebrows crashed together at a sudden realization I never asked about or saw Ara's dad before.

Can she be...?

I looked back at her face and I felt a sudden surge of happiness. Her eyes are as precise as y/n's. A thought crossed my mind as I stared at her.

But my happiness didn't last for more than a minute. "Ara?!?", I heard a male voice say as I took a quick glance behind me and suddenly my heart dropped looking at the person. That the man from earlier who claimed to be y/n's boyfriend at the party.

Why is he here?

I thought to myself as I looked at him and stood up in my place. Ara's tiny fingers still had a tight hold around mine but as he slowly started getting closer her her grip slowly started to loosen and that made my heart break. With every step he took towards us the more I felt as if not just her grip but even Ara was drifting away from me.

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