Chapter Three: Forever, Today

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I used to think I understood the concept of forever.  It's a long, long forever that passes as I sit in my small metal cage, fading in and out of nightmares that fill my sleep and daydreams of seeing the sun again that fill my waking moments.  It's been forever since I've seen the sun.  Since I've felt the soft Earth beneath my feet.  Felt the bark on the trees or heard the sound of leaves rustling in the wind.  It has been forever since I've seen Bellamy.

It's been forever since anyone has entered the room of cages.

The people in cages all around me grow restless.  Some yell obscene things at the wall and others sob into their hands.  I sit, quiet.

My stomach aches from hunger and I absently wonder exactly how long it's been since anyone has come in to feed all of the test subjects.  Surely they won't let us all starve.  Surely I won't die before Bellamy makes it back here to let me out.


I am angry and my whole body is filled with burning fire.  How could he just leave me after I helped him kill that guard?  Why is he not back yet?  He has forgotten about me and every single other person who has suffered here.  He's selfish, just like all the other Skaikru.  I hope he dies in this god damn mountain just like the others.

I should've never helped him.  I know better than to rely on those who are outside of my clan.  Heda would shun me for the stupidly naive thinking I've been doing.  Oso dula op nou trust Skaikru (we do not trust Sky Clan) my Heda said.

Bellamy said his people were not the enemy anymore, but he was so, so wrong.  I hate him.  I cannot believe he has not come back for me. 

Fleim au raun hell (burn in hell), Bellamy.


I have faith that Heda has a plan to save all of us.  There has been some shift in the universe that tells me a storm is brewing and I will soon be free.  I can feel the strength of my clan in my bones, telling me to never waver in my faith for the commander.

Ste yuj (stay strong).  That is what I must tell myself and that is what has always been told to me, even from when I was a young girl.

I do not need a sky person to drag me out of the depths of hell, for I can do it myself.  And I will.

I have to.


The door beeps and I shoot up from my slumped positions.  Excitement courses through my veins, filling me with new life.

This is it.  Please let this be him.

A scientist and a guard walk into the room.

My face drops and I'm filled with the dread of a thousand dead men.  He has not come back.  The scientist is back.

They both walk up to my cage, engaged in casual conversation as if this is merely business to them.  As if this hasn't been my living hell for the past few months.

"Take this one out," the scientist tells the guard.

I back into the corner, a frightened animal.  I'm shaking my head and I hear myself sputtering out pleas.

"Beja, beja (please, please)," I rasp.  "Gon we!  Gon we! (go away!  go away!)"

The electricity stick comes through the bars and pokes right into my jutting rib cage.  Pain fills every nerve in my body for a few seconds, leaving me stunned.

They unlock the cage and I do not fight as they stick a needle in my arm and send me to sleep.


Blood Must Have Love (Bellamy x reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now