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Wednesday's POV:

I go back to Nevermore in a week. It's been a dreadful summer, just how I like it. I lied. It's not the good kind of dread. It has been more... erratic. Enid has been over a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. I never thought someone like her would want to be near someone like me.

Enid has been doing well so far. She's still dating the gorgon, Ajax. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm grateful she's happy. I don't like to see her in misery. Somehow, it hurts something deep inside of me. It gets to the point that I will do something about whatever is making her unhappy.

I have been feeling a bit different every time she hung out with me. I don't put my mind to it, I don't want to. It's probably some illness or something.

I sit at my desk in my room, writing my novel. I finished book one so far. I'm on the second one right now. I just started it a few weeks ago. Detective Viper has been turned to a new lead case to investigate this serial killer in New Zealand. And this serial killer is very, very competent and deft.

The phone on my desk buzzes as I sigh, pausing my writing to grab it. The screen turns on as I read a notification from Enid.

Enid: Wensssss wanna hang out again today before school startssss?? :P

Of course, she wants to hang out. When doesn't she? I sigh, opening the message to reply. Why does she always use those weird emoji things? And why does she keep calling me that?

Wednesday: I told you not to call me that. And I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hang out again.

Enid: Oopsies sorryyyy, I'll see you sooonnnn!!

Why does she add so many letters? I roll my eyes, placing my phone back down on my desk. Enid has been pressuring me to use my phone often over the summer. It got to the point that it was so annoying, I just gave in and started using it. I'm not addicted to it, frankly, I barely use it. I'm only on it if Enid's around or texting me so she'd shut up about it.

I roll my sleeves up again, allowing room for my fingers to fly from key to key. The letters on the keycaps are starting to wear off. I'm going to need to replace them, especially how much I have been writing.

I feel something crawl up my arm and rest on my shoulder. Thing. Who else would it be? The hand moves on my shoulder before jumping back down onto the desk. I hear taps from him, but I take no notice of it. But then two loud thuds allow him to gain my attention.

"Yes?" I ask, irritated. I sigh as I watch his fingers move rapidly. He makes me want to grab him and rip a finger off. It's so easy.

'Is Enid coming over here again today?' Thing signs. I huff and roll my eyes, nodding my head. The hand skitters off in excitement as I turn back to my typewriter.

Thing loves Enid. It's not even hard to tell. They always talk when Enid's over here and they do each other's nails and shit.

Yeah, that stuff.

I never care about that stuff and always alienate myself from it. Most of the time I write, or go downstairs to my parents. I don't talk to them, I just go down there and try to enjoy their company. Which, most of the time, fails so I wind up writing in my room.

The typewriter chimes as I finish the last section. Without showing it, I excitedly unroll the paper and set it neatly in the stack. I hear a couple of soft knocks on the door.

"Come in!" I call out. I hear the door open behind me and then click shut.

"Howdy, roomie!" The high-pitched voice speaks. Enid's here.

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