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Wednesday's POV:

It's a new week which means more classes. Yay.

Enid still isn't back and I don't know what to think anymore. Did I actually lose her?

I sit in the back of my first class, as usual. My eyes are no longer distracted by that colorful, bubbly girl who sits at the front. I mean, that's good, I guess. I can finally focus in class. But it's just not the same.

"Miss Addams!" My head jerks up to a familiar voice. I can see the teacher staring at me from across the room, and all the heads of other students turned to me. I quickly glare at them before turning my attention back to the woman.

"Can you answer the question?" She tilts her head.

"What question?" I ponder.

But as she speaks again, it's muffled. Everything is muffled. My vision becomes blurry and my head starts to hurt. I got a sick feeling in the pit of my gut before...

Yoko's POV:

I watch as Wednesday darts out of the classroom. The class is silent as we all stare at the door. The teacher scoffs before walking over to her desk.

"So ungrateful." She mutters under her breath.

I scrunch my face up at her as her back is turned before running out of the classroom as well. I wander around the school halls, wondering where the girl went. I checked her dorm and she's not in there. Where the hell did she go?

I walk into one of the girl's bathrooms to check it out. I notice a stall door cracked open and a dark figure on the ground. "Wednesday?" I whisper before opening the door wider.

The girl's head hangs above the toilet as she vomits. "Oh god," I mumble. I kneel down next to the girl and place my arm around her.

"I think not eating finally caught up to me," Wednesday says between deep breaths.

"You need to go back to your dorm right this second," I order before standing to my feet.

She puts up a finger before going into another round of throwing up. I nod my head before walking away to grab a few paper towels. The toilet flushes before I walk back to the girl.

She stands and I wipe her face, taking care of her. I shouldn't be doing this, Enid should. Now where is that girl at?


Wednesday's POV:

Yoko settled me back into my dorm for the day. She brought my bag back, told the teacher and principal that I was not feeling well, and even handed me some food to eat. I don't know how she does it. But I'm grateful for her.

Enid should be doing this though, not Yoko. It really isn't fair. But I guess Yoko does care about me more than I thought she did.

I sit on my bed, taking a bite of the food before gorging into it. God, I hadn't realized how much I needed food until now.

The spoon raises to my mouth as I take another bite of this disgusting mango-flavored yogurt. Who in the world would want to eat this shit?

I finish it anyway, trying to get rid of the hunger pains that magically appeared in my stomach.

Once the food is finished, I throw away the scraps into the trash filled with all the other food I threw out that Enid gave me.

The thoughts hit me again.

Seriously, what is stopping me from going out there searching for her? How is my body just saying 'Give her space and she'll come back.' and not 'Go search for her right now and get your love back.'? It's crazy.

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