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Yoko's POV:

I grin as I watch Wenclair from afar. They talk and giggle, a smile bigger than ever on Wednesday's face.

Enid lightly smacks her girlfriend on the arm and busts out laughing. Wens shakes her head and flicks the wolf on her forehead.

And that causes Enid to quickly grasp her hand before kissing it and laughing again. I chuckle to myself and look down at the glass I'm drying with a towel.

I glance around the bar, looking at the people slowly exiting through the doors. Closing time is soon and my coworkers left me in charge to lock up. Yahoo...

"Yoko!" A voice shouts my name. My head whips around to my favorite couple and Wednesday waves me over. "Pour me another!"

I roll my eyes, setting the glass down and grabbing a random bottle as I walk over. "Don't you think that's enough?" I ask as the liquid falls into her cup.

"Not until I say so." She snaps as she snatches the glass, alcohol splashing onto the table.

I sigh and grab my towel from before to wipe the mess. "You're so messy."

This is literally like the 10th spill I had to clean up after her. Insane, bro.

"Whatever," Wednesday mutters.

"Babyclaws, stop being so untidy." Enid butts in.

Untidy? Ew, since when does she use those kinds of words?

"For you, cara mia." The raven replies, both of them leaning towards each other.

But before their lips connect, I shove the towel between their faces, and their eyes open in shock.

"Heh, sorry." I pull away and chuckle. "You know you guys are going to have to leave soon, we're closing." I remind them as I hear the bell ding from over by the door. My eyes quickly scan the room and it's only me and the girls left.

"Yeah, we should get going." Enid agrees.

I let out a quick breath of relief. It is kinda weird though, Enid's just acting a bit different while drunk this time than any other time.

"Yeah." Wednesday nods and stands up. "We can walk home." She says.

"Nope! I'm driving y'all." I yell, interrupting whatever Enid was about to say next.

"No, we can walk." The small girl turns toward me.

"No, drive," I say again.

"No, we can walk." She insists.







"Wednesday, sweetie, just let her drive us. She won't give up." Enid cuts our arguing off.

Wednesday glares at me before letting out a huge ass sigh. "Fine." She grumbles.

I tap my fingers together in victory and smile at her. "Just gimme a few minutes, I have to clean up and all."


I flip the sign to closed and turn the lights off before leaving the bar. I lock the door on my way out and walk towards my car. The girls stand by it, slightly leaning over from intoxication and chatting away.

The car beeps as I press a button and Enid jumps away from it with a screech. I approach them while laughing my ass off before swinging the door open.

"Aw, Enid, you're hilarious. Now get in." I tell them after settling down.

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