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We all have slavishly been following Noah Bridges and Bianca Cortez's life for over a year, through thick and thin and after a long break from social media the couple announced they were expecting their first child and a few months later they welcomed a baby girl named Sienna. Now the couple announced that they are in fact tying the knot! Bianca posted on her Instagram a picture of an engagement ring but fans aren't swooning as much as everyone else does. Fans has throughout this year made their comments about what they think and feel about the couple. And it's nothing but negative. Are Bianca as much of a gold digger as they say? Are she so problematic?

Well, E! News have their sources all over the country and our sources say she has thrown Noah a couple of curveballs. Remember their big social media break? Well, it wasn't because Bianca was pregnant. Remember that her business Bianchi came out with a statement in the middle of September that due to an incident happening in the bar when a girl was hurt and left in an ambulance and police's were there saying the bar would close for a few months? Well, first off the incident was a rape that happened in Bianchi's women bathroom which made them need to shut the place down for that night but that wouldn't need them to shut down for a few months. Why they shut down was because of something much much bigger.

Bianca is well known because of her past life as a New York princess, she was in the Manhattan elite. Living a true Gossip Girl life. But it came with its price. Even though her situation outwards looked pretty amazing, what happened when the doors shut was anything but pretty. Her father, one of New York's biggest and most well known businessmen was anything but a good father. And when he didn't get what he wanted he made the people pay, that included his family. Not too long ago Bianca's mother passed away and her dad paid no respect at her funeral leaving her daughter all alone to deal with the death of her mother. And our sources said that he left Bianca alone after that telling her he wouldn't bother her anymore but he had something else in mind. In September last year he hired men to do his dirty work, first strike was the rape that was actually meant to be on Bianca and then he sent three more men to kill his daughter but thankfully they didn't succeed because the police were already there keeping Bianca safe and hidden in her house. Three of four of these men who committed these crimes later confessed that it was in fact her father who was the mastermind behind this and he was later arrested and are waiting for trial.

So in conclusion, maybe it's time to drop the attitude and negative comments against Bianca Cortez and Noah Bridges after the traumatic events they have been through. And how beautiful is it that they still stand strong by each other's side no matter what the weather conditions are.

Comment down below what your thoughts are on this and remember guys that everybody is a person with a heart and a mind even though you can't see them standing in front of you. Show love and respect for your fellow men. Behind closed doors can the life a person lives look a whole lot different than what they show.

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