150 : the last dance

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Time was going by so fast. The new baseball season was already up and running. Noah was playing better than ever. Our house was completely finished and we were fully moved in. My business was doing so great and we had so much fun things coming up with new drinks and events. Everything was running by so smoothly. Sienna was turning one today. I can't believe we have been parents for almost a year. Time is just passing by and I can't keep up with it. And in a month I will be Mrs. Bianca Bridges. We originally wanted to have the wedding during the summer but with Noah's crazy schedule and it being the high season for my business it just wouldn't be possible. And we wanted to do it at a time where everyone would be able to come. Which was April 12th.

"Look, there is daddy." I said and pointed at Noah who was out on the field. Sienna smiled widely as she spotted her dad. Noah waved at us which made me smile. He was such a family man. He always made time for me and Sienna. Whenever something happened he dropped everything.

The game was going so great. The audience was one of the best one's yet. They were so involved and so passionate. I loved to just observe a game like this. It really made it so much more special. Just to witness all of this madness. And the best part, yeah it definitely was when they put Yellow by Coldplay on the speakers and everyone put on the flashlight on their phones. It was majestic. I walked down to the dugout where I met up with Noah who smiled widely at me. David gently took Sienna from me and Noah took my hands.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded and he gave me a kiss. He looked deep into my eyes and smiled which made my whole heart glow. This man was everything, he was my end game, my soulmate.

"Alright everybody. Thank you so much for coming to this game tonight. You truly are a wonderful audience." Jesse said in the mic cutting our moment off and Noah kissed my cheek as we looked out on Jesse on the field.

"But we have another very special thing planned for tonight. You see, not too long ago we had a special Savannah Banana wedding here at Grayson Stadium for our heartthrob Noah Bridges and his now wife Bianca Bridges." He said and I blushed as Noah once again kissed my cheek.

"We were honoured that they wanted to get married here at our stadium, where their love story began. But they saved something for us. Something they wanted to share with the world, with us here tonight." He said.

"Their vowels." He said and the audience cheered.

"So give them you warmest and most heartfelt applauses, Mr & Mrs Bridges!" He shouted and everyone applauded as we walked out on the field with both of the teams behind us. We walked up to Jesse and the teams stood behind us, facing the audience.

"And before we get to hear the vowels, I have a few words I want to say." He said and I felt my heart beating so fast. I was so nervous. And I tried so hard to keep my tears in check.

"Noah and Bianca. I've known you two for over two years now. And no one and I mean no one has a story like yours. It's filled with love, tragedy, deep understanding and passion. You two are meant to be. Everyone can see it. And nothing can separate the two of you. I've always watched over the two of you. Made sure you two would keep together because I've never seen a greater fit. You two are companions, equals, soulmates. You are meant to be on this earth together. I've seen you two go from young insecure adults to a powerful couple to amazing parents." He said and we looked over at Sienna who was smiling in David's arms.

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