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noahbridges: most beautiful girl in the world tagged: biancacortez

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noahbridges: most beautiful girl in the world
tagged: biancacortez


user1: she's even gorgeous without makeup on!!!

user2: that is what natural beauty looks like🥵🥹

user3: 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

lexiebeady; wooord

user4: I want to beeeeee heeeeer

mandolynhoward: preach 🥵👏🏻

user5: that jawline thoooo



It did feel like B got some new energy after we came up to NC. She got to spend time with my family and away from everything in Savannah. She was laughing again. I know she is still grieving but at least she isn't having constant anxiety attacks.
And my mom has been absolutely amazing, she just opened her arms and heart for B. And I think it was good for B to be with people who knew but just didn't constantly remind her of what was going on.

"Okay, I'm thinking pasta tonight." Mom said.

"If it's okay with you Mrs. Bridges, I would love to cook for you tonight." Bianca offered and mom looked at me happily.

"Of course, Noah tells me so much about how amazing you are at cooking." Mom said and B blushed a little. Mom had just poured compliments and love over B, I don't think B is used to people being so nice and loving towards her, at least not like from adults.

"Well, I will get started." B said and headed towards the kitchen.

"She seems like she is doing better." Mom said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I think she does." I said.

"You are such a wonderful boyfriend to her, I'm so glad you two came up here." She said and I smiled softly.

"We needed a change of environment." I said and she nodded.

We all sat by the kitchen and hanged out while B was cooking. If there something I have learned about her is that she won't allow people to help her cook, especially if it's because she wants to give back. I know my girl, she feels guilty that we are here taking up space, their time and eat their food. She always wants to give back. And cooking dinner so they don't have to is usually her way to do it. But she loved to have company while cooking, just people hanging around, chatting. And I would do anything and give anything to make her happy.
I felt my phone buzzing and I flipped it over to see Bill calling. I stepped out of the kitchen to answer.

"Hey, man." I said.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Just chilling." I said.

"How's B?" He asked.

"Better, some change of scenery has done her good." I said.

"That's very good to hear, listen. The coaches need you to come back soon. I just wanted to give you a heads up, we know it's a difficult time for B and you want to be there for her." He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, I know. It's almost been a week. I will give them a call and I will talk to B and see what we can do." I said.

"Great, give her a fist bump from me." He said and I chuckled.

"I will." I said and we hung up. I walked back to the kitchen and sat down.

"Who was that?" Mom asked and I glanced over at B.

"It was Bill." I said.

"What did he want?" B asked.

"Just checking in." I said as I looked at B and she could tell I was lying. She was a master at it.

"They need you back, don't they?" She asked and I sighed.

"Yeah, he was just calling to give a heads up." I said and she nodded.

"Well, nothing to do bout it, we'll head back home tomorrow." She said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry." I apologised.

"Don't, it's time anyways." She said as she put the pot on the stove.

We proceeded to have a nice dinner together, but I could tell she was lower. Her head must be spinning  uncontrollably. Going back to the apartment where she was a train wreck, going back to the bar where she got the news. Her head is a labyrinth and sometimes she can't even herself find her way out of it. The day after we headed back to Savannah. She was silent the entire way home.

We walked into the apartment and set our bags down. Buddy was happy being home. He ran around trying to find his favourite carrot toy.

"Hey, I need to get back to the stadium. You want to join?" I asked.

"I'll be fine, I promise. I have some work things to catch up with." She said and I nodded.

"Call me if you need me." I said and she nodded. I gave her a kiss and headed out the door. I decided to walk to the stadium, I needed it. Walks always cleared my head. I walked into the stadium to see the guys doing some batting practices.

"Wassup!" David said happily and we did our corny ass bro shake.

"How's it going?" Jackson asked and gave me hug.

"It's okay." I said and he nodded.

"How is she holding up?" David asked.

"She's doing a lot better than when we left. I think she will be back at work next week." I said and they nodded.

"So soon?" Bill asked.

"It's B, she needs to work to function." I said and he chuckled.

"Word." He said and I chuckled.

"And you, how are you doing?" Jackson asked.

"It's been rough but I feel like it's going in the right direction. I will be fine." I said and he nodded.

"You're a good guy, Noah." He said and patted me on the shoulder.

"Thanks." I said.

"Go change and join us." Bill said and I nodded. I changed into my workout clothes and went back out in the field. It felt really nice being back here. Sounds so weird but just hitting that ball again was such a relief. I've been longing for that feeling.
I could just hit all the anger and sadness I had inside.

"Wow, Bridges. That was great." Coach said and I smiled lightly. I kept on hitting for a little while, just letting everything out.

But eventually I knew I had to get back home and make sure B was still okay. So I took a shower and then walked back home but when I got there the place was empty. Buddy was laying on the couch and greeted me happily when he saw me. On the counter laid a note saying that B was at the bar. I put Buddy on a leash and walked down there, just making sure she was okay. I walked in and saw her standing behind the bar with a smile on her face. She was standing by the espresso machine, chatting and laughing with Lexie. I hadn't seen her smile like that in a week. And I couldn't help but smile myself at the sight of her being happy again. She truly belonged behind that counter. And here I thought she would never be able to go back here after that night. But she was going to be okay. She just needed to be sad for a moment to be okay. I decided to not disturb her. She needed to have this for herself. To do this on her own. And if she could go back to normal, then I should be able to as well.

But the most important thing, my girl was going to be okay.

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