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After Nathan's witnesses has all been questioned, it was his turn. I didn't look at him while he was on the stand. I couldn't. I just stared at my hands.

After his lawyer questioned him it was Jennifer's turn to question Nathan.

"Mr Robinson, where were you when your daughter was born?" Jennifer asked

"I was at home" Nathan said.

"And at the time were you aware that Ms Gilmore had given birth?"

"Yes" Nathan said. I texted Nathan as soon as I went into labor and my mom let him know when Tori was born.

"I see" Jennifer said. "You insisted on a paternity test after she was born. Why is that?"

"Rory and I had been separated for a while when she was conceived. I wanted to be sure she was mine"

"Would you say that you know your daughter well?"

"I think so" Nathan said. That was a load of crap. I knew Jennifer was about to tear him to pieces.

"What would you say is her favorite food?"

"I wouldn't know"

"You've never fed her?"


"Then what about her favorite toy? What does she like to play with?"

"I'm not sure"

"Ok...you must know about her sleep right? What time she goes to bed, when she wakes up, how many naps she takes"

Nathan didn't say anything. There wasn't anything he could say. He didn't know anything about Tori.

"No further questions" Jennifer said. Right after Nathan got off the stand she called Elise. When I got to the courthouse that morning Jennifer told me that she was gonna need to question Tori's babysitter. So we did a quick shuffle and Luke was watching Tori. "Please state your name"

"Elise Meyers"

"And what is your connection to Victoria?"

"I'm her babysitter" Elise said

"How many times a month would you say that you watch her?"

"A few" Elise said. "Probably around 5"

"And how old was she when you started babysitting her?"

"I believe she was around 4 months old when I babysat her for the first time"

"So you've known her for a while. You probably know her pretty well. Let me ask you, do you know her favorite food?"

"At the moment I'd say her favorite food is probably strawberries"

"And her favorite toy?"

I couldn't help but smile a little. It didn't look good for Nathan that the babysitter knew more about his daughter than he did.

"Anything that makes noise" Elise said. "And mirrors"

"And what about sleep? Do you know her schedule?"

"She goes to bed at 7:30 and I don't usually watch her that early in the morning, but I believe she wakes up around 7"

"How about naps?"

"2. One at 10am for about an hour and a half, and one at 2:30 for an hour"

"Do you believe that Victoria is well taken care of?"

"Yes. She's very well cared for"

"That's good to hear. So overall would you consider Ms Gilmore to be a good mother?"

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