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Rory's POV-

I was sitting in the hospital on Monday morning. The babies were 3 days old and we were finally getting to go home. Maddie was taking the IV out of my arm while Dr. Lee was talking.

"You need to rest as much as possible. Remember that you just had major surgery. Don't lift anything heavier than the babies, and try to have someone pick them up and hand them to you, if possible. Logan, that means you. You really, really don't want to strain yourself. You should be mostly in bed or on the couch for the next few days. It might hurt to go from sitting out laying down to standing, so have someone help you up if you need. It seems excessive, I know, but if you strain yourself too much, you can rip your incision open. Try to take walks if you feel up to it. At first just around your house, when you feel better a short walk around the block is good. I know that it's not so easy with 2 newborns but sleep is important, so try to make sure you get enough of it. Please take the pain meds. I know you don't like to, but I can promise you that if you decide to skip a dose, you'll regret it. Surgery hurts. And the last thing is no sex. No tampons. Nothing that goes up there. It doesn't matter that you had a c-section, it's not a good idea. Any questions?"

"No. Thank you"

"Alright, then enjoy those babies and I'll see you in a week for your checkup" 

When we got home just my mom was there. Tori was in school. As much as I missed her after 4 days in the hospital, I was glad that I'd have a chance to get settled in with the babies before she got home.

Something new I learned is that when your baby is less than 4 and a half pounds, newborn size is too big. That includes diapers. So once we got the babies settled, Logan went to get diapers and a few other things that we needed.

I was sitting on the couch, staring at the babies in their little swings when mom sat down next to me.

"You can't take your eyes off them"

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I mean that you've been staring at those babies for 15 minutes without looking away" she said.

"Have you seen them? They're adorable"

"I love the way they're all scrunched up from being squished inside you" she said

"I know, it's so cute"

"There's not a single difference between them, is there?"

"Not that we know of" I said. "Can you fix her pacifier?"


A little while later Logan got home. "Tiny diapers for tiny babies, tiny pajamas for tiny babies, goldfish for Tori, string cheese for Tori, Advil for mommy, stuffed giraffe, stuffed elephant. Please tell me I didn't forget anything"

"What are the stuffed animals for?" I asked him

"You know Tori's cow? I figured the twins should each have one too"

Mom smiled at me. "Your husband might be the sweetest person in the world"

"Whose is whose?" I asked

"I thought we'd let Tori decide"

Logan's POV-

"Daddy!" Tori ran over to me as soon as I set foot in her classroom.

"Hi munchkin" I hugged her. She didn't know that Rory and the babies were home.

"Can we go to the hospital to see mommy and the babies?"

"I have a better idea" I told her. "Why don't we go see them at home?"


The whole way home Tori couldn't stop talking about the babies.

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