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"Apple" mom said.

"Apapple" Tori giggled



"You've got too many syllables in there, kid" mom said. "It's just 2. Apple"


"I don't think she cares" I chuckled. "She's gonna say it however she wants"

"Rory, are you planning on coming next week?" Grandma asked

"Probably, why?"

"You should bring Logan"


"You are still together, right?"


"Good, then it'll be nice to have him"


Logan's POV-

"Finn, you're an idiot" Rosemary said. The group meet up often and that evening Finn showed up with a broken wrist. He said he broke it in bed. Did any of us believe that? No. Did he think we would? Probably not. Is he a weirdo who likes to make stupid jokes? Yes.

"It's true" Finn said

"No it's not" Rosemary said.

"You can't prove that"

"I was there. I have it on camera. He was trying to teach George how to ride a bike, except that he himself can't ride one and he crashed into a tree"

With the way those 2 argued, you'd never guess that they were actually happily married with 2 kids.

"I wanna see the video" Colin said

"Not happening" Finn told him

"Rory, does Tori do that thing where she only wants your food, even she has the same thing?" Rosemary asked.

"Not so much anymore, but she did" Rory told her.

"It's weird"

"Yes it is"


Rory's POV-

Nathan had been asking me for a few weeks if I would bring Tori to his apartment. (Aka the apartment we both lived in when we were married). I went through a lot in that apartment. I'd only been back there once since the night I decided to end things with Nathan. It was about a week after, my mom and Lane came with me to get my stuff. I wasn't super excited to go back there, but it was a reasonable enough request, so on Saturday afternoon, I took Tori to Nathan's apartment.

When we got there I handed Tori to Nathan. Since she started seeing him regularly, she got a lot more comfortable around him. I stood by the door, looking around. It still looked the same. I know that part of why Nathan wanted Tori to go there was because he wanted his girlfriend to meet her. I didn't know his girlfriend, or who she was, but I definitely wondered what kind of person would date someone who's legally not allowed to be alone with their own daughter. Maybe she didn't know that, I didn't ask. It was none of my business. I did know that she wasn't there.

"Hey, I thought your girlfriend was gonna be here" I said. "Isn't that why we're here?"

Before getting there, I didn't really know what it would be like to be back there, but once I was there I definitely didn't like how I felt. I felt anxious. Panicky. I couldn't wait for 2 hours to be over so I could leave.

"Yeah, she uh...she had a something come up" Nathan said.


While we were there Logan texted to ask if we wanted to meet him for lunch after we left Nathan's place, so that's where we went.

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