Cat's Out Of The Bag

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I was standing in Logan's kitchen, cutting up strawberries for Tori. Logan came over and kissed my cheek before stealing a strawberry.

"I saw that" I told him

"Wasn't trying to hide it" He laughed.

"Na na na na" Tori babbled as she walked behind Logan.

"She saw your strawberry" I told him. I never let Tori see the strawberries until I was actually really to give them to her because she had no patience. "She wants it"

"Can I give it to her?" He asked

"Not like that" I said. "It has to be cut up"

Logan walked over to me, grabbed a few pieces of cut up strawberry and sat on the floor in front Tori. "Here" he handed her a piece of strawberry.

"You don't have to do that"

"I want to"

I just smiled. It was kind of like nothing really changed when Logan and I got together...except that now we were sleeping together. We were still just spending time hanging out if one of our apartment, having movie nights, going for coffee.

On Monday, Paris and went to the park like we always did. It had been almost 2 weeks since Nathan and I went to court and that was the first time I saw her since.

"Are we gonna talk about it?" She asked


She grabbed my right hand and held it up. I had a few small scars on that hand and wrist from the glass. "I broke a glass, washing dishes. That's what you told me"

"Paris stop"

"I would've helped you" she said

"I know"

"So why didn't you say anything?" She asked. I could tell she felt bad. I probably would too if I found out that my best friend was in that situation and didn't tell anyone.

"Look, that was the night I left. I didn't need help at that point" I told her. "I know I should've said something. To you, to my mom, to someone..I just couldn't. I was embarrassed"

"You're not the one who needs to be embarrassed"

"I know"

It was quiet for a second. Neither of us knew what to say. I decided to break the silence by letting Paris know that she was right. When I told her that Logan and I were spending time together, she predicted it would be a month before we were in bed together. She wasn't exactly right (it was 4 months) but she was still right.

"You were right" I told her

"About what?"

"Remember when I told you that Logan and I were friends?"

Paris just laughed. "I remember. I gave it a month. How close was I?"

"3 months off. Still right though"

"Of course I was right" Paris said. "I'm just glad I don't share a wall with you this time around"

Paris and I were roommates in college, and there might've been a few times that she heard something she shouldn't have. Not that I never heard her and Doyle.

"As if you and Doyle weren't the same"

"I never said we weren't" Paris said. "Gabby, don't do that!" She called out to her daughter why was trying to run down the slide. "I see way too many kids in the emergency room with broken bones, because their parents let them do stupid shit"

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