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Rory's POV-

I was standing in the kitchen, making a snack for Tori while she told me about her day.

"Do you know dogs can't have chocolate?" Tori asked

"I did know that" I told her. "Did you learn that in preschool?"

"Yeah, because if they eat chocolate they get dead"

Her teacher definitely didn't say that. "Who told you that?"


"I see"

Just then Logan came home and as usually Tori ran straight over to him. He picked her up and kissed her cheek. "How's it going, munchkin?"

"Good" Tori said

"Did you learn something today?"

Tori nodded.

"Good" Logan put Tori down and walked over to where I was standing in the kitchen. He put his hand on my belly and kissed me. "How are you feeling?"

"Good" I told him

"And how are Bert and Ernie?"

"That's a ridiculous thing to call them"

"So you've said" Logan said. He kissed me again. "What did my favorite girls do this afternoon?"

"Chocolate makes dogs dead!" Tori said

Logan gave me a questioning look "what?"

"It's bad for them" Tori added

"Don't look at me" I chuckled. "I didn't teach her that"


Logan and I were sitting in bed, trying to make some sort of progress towards naming our twins. I was 24 weeks pregnant, and we really didn't want to wait until the last minute to name them. Neither of us had any names that we knew that were really wanted, so we were just throwing out names and if both of us liked it, Logan wrote it down.

"I like Penelope" Logan said

"Add it to the list" I said. That was the first name to actually be written down.

"Is there anyone we wanna name then after?" Logan asked. "Your mom? Grandmother?"

"Victoria Emily" I reminded him. It was really easy to forget but Tori was in fact babes after both my mother and my grandmother. "What about Honor?" I asked. I knew he wouldn't want to name then after his mother, but he did have a really good relationship with his sister.

"I like that. Maybe as a middle name?"

"Write it down" I said as I yawned. It was the week after Halloween, and kids were eating Halloween Candy at lunch, which meant they were really hyper in class, which in turn makes me exhausted. "Hey, can we build the cribs tomorrow?"

"No" Logan said. "But I can"

"Logan, I can help build a crib"

"I know, but you're not going to. This is your job" He put he put his hand on my belly. "And I know that it's not an easy one. So that means that my job is everything else. Building furniture, installing car seats, you name it, I'll do it"

"You're sweet, but that's unnecessary"

He leaned over and kissed me. "I love you, and you're doing this incredible thing, and I know that it's hard, so I will do anything I can to make it easier. Building furniture included" he kissed me again

"I love you"

"I love you too"

Logan's POV-

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