December 2020

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Logan's POV- it was a week before Christmas, and I woke up super early so that I could surprise Rory. She was 31 weeks pregnant, which meant that we likely only had 5 more weeks until the babies came along. At that point we had everything for the nursery, but it wasn't put together. The walls had been painted but everything was just kind sitting in the room. So I woke up early, and set everything up. When Rory woke up, I was sitting in the kitchen, drinking coffee. "How'd you sleep?"

"Other than getting up to pee a thousand times, I slept fine" she said. "By the way, I really want to finish the nursery this week"

I smiled. I stood up and grabbed her hand. "Come here" I started walking towards the nursery

"What are you doing?" Rory asked

We stopped in front of the nursery door. "Open it"

Rory gave me a confused look but she opened the door and we walked into the finished nursery. She turned around with tears in her eyes. "You did the nursery?"

"I did"

"Why did you do that?" She asked. For a second I was worried that she was upset that I did it without her. "You didn't have to do it by yourself"

"I know that it was stressing you out that it wasn't finished yet, so I finished it"

"Thank you"

I hugged her and kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Ace"

"I love you too"

Rory's POV-

I was sitting in Paris's living room with Paris. Charlie, and Gabriella were trying to teach Tori a how to play Mario. When I was pregnant with Tori I appreciated the fact that my 2 best friend had kids, because I could ask them questions. This time around I was even more grateful because they both had twins and had a lot of advice.

"Is it weird that you, me, and Lane all ended up with twins?" I asked

"What's weird is that you have 2 almost fully grown babies inside of you and you only look pregnant from the side" Paris said. "It's because you're tall. They have more room to grow without going outward"

"They're actually just really small" I told her. I'd been at the doctor earlier that week and she measured the babies. They were apparently really small, but I guess not small enough for it to be a concern. It made sense to me though, because Tori was only 5 pounds, 5 ounces when she was born and she was still small for her age. I guess I just have small kids.

"Wasn't Tori also tiny?"

"Yeah, my doctor isn't worried about their size. And as long as their healthy, I'm not complaining about small babies because I have to give birth to them"

"It's not so bad actually. Well, the first one is, but then the second one is a lot easier. The first one...'paves the path' if you will"

"What does that mean?" Charlie asked

"Nothing" Paris said.

"I know what it means" Gabriella said

"No you don't" Paris said

"Yes, I do. You told me that-"

"Stop" Paris interrupted her "I know that you know, but this is not a conversation for right now"

"So she knows but he doesn't?" I asked her quietly.

"Not in detail, but she asked, so I told her. And when he asks I'll tell him"  she said. "Or I'll make Doyle tell him"

I put my head back and closed my eyes for a second.

"You ok?" Paris asked

"Not to exaggerate, but I feel like I'm already tired tomorrow"

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