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Logan's POV-

February (2019) came around and Rory and I started getting more into wedding planning. We had all the big things decided and set. Now we had to figure out some of the smaller details. Rory didn't want to take Tori wedding dress shopping because she thought she'd be bored. So while Rory went dress shopping with Lorelai, Paris, Lane, and her friend Charlotte, I got to spend an afternoon Tori.

"Are you sure you don't mind watching her?" Rory asked "because I can still bring her with me"

"I am very excited to spend the day with my favorite little buddy"

"Alright" Rory said. "I'll see you later"

"See you later, Ace" I leaned forward to kiss her. "I love you"

"Love you too"

Rory left and I spent the next hour or so just getting some work done until Tori woke up from her nap. Tori walked out of her room, wrapped in her blanket, with moo moo in her hands. I have to say that it was very, very cute.

"Hi munchkin" I said. "Did you sleep well?"

She nodded.

"I have an idea" I told her. "Do you think we should go get some ice cream?"

Tori nodded.

We got ready and walked to an ice cream shop that was a few blocks away from our apartment. I probably should've taken the stroller though because it didn't take long before Tori didn't want to walk. I picked her up and we made our way to the ice cream place.

"Which kind do you want?" I asked her

I think it might've been too many options for her because she didn't say anything. I knew she liked vanilla though. "Do you want vanilla?"

She nodded. I got our ice cream and we sat down. "Do you want to take your jacket off?" I asked her. It was cold outside but warm in the ice cream place. Tori shook her head. "Do you like your ice cream?"

"I like ice cream" Tori smiled

"I know"

Rory's POV-

"Get out here, Gilmore!" Paris called out.

"Hold on!" I shouted back. I was standing behind a curtain in a bridal shop, trying on a wedding dress.

"Is that too tight?" Macy, the owner of the bridal shop asked.

"No, it's good"

"Come on" Charlotte said

I walked out into the room where everyone was sitting. "You guys have less patience than my 2 year old"

"You look hot" Lane said

"I don't know if hot is necessarily what I'm going for" I said

"So it's a no?" Charlotte asked.

"I think so" I said. "I don't know, I just feel weird about this"

"Why?" Paris asked

"I don't know. I've done this before. The white dress, the wedding, I feel like it's weird to do it again"

"Except that this time your husband won't send you to the emergency room" Paris mumbled under her breath. She was an E.R doctor. She was there the night I left Nathan and when she asked what happened, I lied. I told her that I broke a glass washing dishes. I knew she felt bad that she didn't help me, even if it wasn't her fault.

"Hey" mom said. "Uncalled for"

"It's not like we weren't all thinking it" Lane said. "Hey, what are you doing with Tori when you go on your honeymoon?"

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