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Logan's POV-

I stood outside a bookstore with Rory who looked like she might explode. Her new book was released that day and she wanted to get to the bookstore to see it as soon as they opened.

"How are you not cold?" I asked her. It was only October, but it was unusually cold out.

"Too excited to be cold" she said.

A minute later the automatic door opened and we went inside. Right in front was a large display of Rory's book.

"It looks so good!" She squealed. "Look at it. It's perfect!" She picked one up of the shelf and smelled it.

"What are you doing?"

She put the book in front of my nose. "Smell it"

"You're crazy"

"Probably, but at least my books are pretty"

"I'm gonna buy it" I said

"I gave you one"

"But I want to buy one"

"Now who's crazy?"

I leaned over to kiss her. "Both of us"

Rory's POV-

My publisher insisted on having a party every time one of my books came out. So that night, I found myself getting ready for a party.

"Hold on!" I shouted when there was a knock at the door. I knew it was either Elise or Logan. I took Tori with me to open the door and I was surprised to see that it was both Logan and Elise. "Good timing"

"Easy to be on time when you live next door" Elise said and walked inside

"You look beautiful" Logan said and kissed me quickly.

"Thank you" I said and then turned to Elise. "She ate, she had bath. All you need to do it give her a bottle and put her to bed at 7:30"

"No problem" Elise said.

"Alright" I said. "Bye baby" I kissed Tori's cheek before handing her off to Elise.

The party was in a hotel that was only a few blocks away so we just walked. As soon as we walked in my publisher Frank waved me over.

"12,000" he told me. He was talking about how many copies of my book sold. The book has just become available that morning. 12,000 was a lot. "In the United States"

12,000 copies. In one day. Just in this country. I was literally too stunned to speak.

"Rory?" Frank asked

"That's a lot"

"Yeah, it is" Logan chuckled

"Who are you?" Frank asked. That man was a genius. He said whatever popped into his head, and it was hilarious.

"Logan Huntzberger" Logan said and held out his hand

"Frank Carson" Frank said and shook Logan's hand.

"Nice to meet you"


Logan and I made our way to the bar.

"I gotta say, Ace, this is really impressive" Logan said. "The way everyone here knows who you are, at the bookstore too. It's almost like your famous"

"I'm not famous, my books are"

"Still pretty cool"


For the longest time my mornings looked the same every day. Wake up, get Tori, change her diaper, give her breakfast, and then once she was settled I had a minute to brush my teeth and get some coffee. Every morning. Since I started dating Logan, that changed. Logan woke up earlier than I did, and a lot of the time he got Tori out of her crib before I even heard her. I still felt a little weird about it, but he insisted that he was happy to do it.

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