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Logan's POV-

A week before Rory's c-section Tori told me that she really wanted pink hair. So with Rory's permission, I went out and bought everything I needed to make that happen. Rory went to pick her up from school and when they got back, I showed Tori what I bought.

"I get pink hair?" She asked excitedly

"You get pink hair" I told her

"Yay!" She jumped up and hugged me.

We went upstairs to the bathroom to dye her hair, and while I was putting the dye on Tori's hair, the twins came in and asked for me to do theirs also. All 3 girls were sitting on the bathroom counter while we waited to rinse the dye out.

"Daddy, do you like pink?" Tori asked

"I love pink" I told her

"Daddy hair pink!" Aria shouted

"Yeah, you have to dye your hair too!" Tori shouted.

"I think it's a great idea" Rory chuckled. I looked over and she was standing in the doorway. I had no idea she was there.

"You think it's a good idea for me to dye my hair hot pink?" I asked

"Yeah!" Willow giggled

I had no willpower when it came to those girls. By the end of the day the kids and I all had pink hair, and I had pink hands too from dealing with the dye. It was worth it though to see the smiles on their faces.

That night I was laying in bed with Rory and she was running her hands through my hair. "I like the pink" she said "very manly"

"I look like one the characters from that stupid movie they like. The colorful little creatures. What's it called?"

"Trolls?" She asked

"Yeah, I look like I just came out the trolls movie"

She laughed. "Maybe a little. But those girls will always remember that you dyed your hair pink just to make them happy"

"I guess so"

"You're an amazing dad, you know that?"

"I just like to see them happy"

"And that's what makes you so great"


Rory's POV-

On April 8th we got the twins settled in with my dad, and dropped Tori off at school before going to the hospital where my favorite nurse Maddie was waiting for us. Believe it or not, we still hadn't picked a name, so that was the topic of discussion while Dr. Lee and Maddie did all of the pre surgery stuff.

"What about Sebastian?" Logan asked

"I still like Logan" I said. I thought we should name him after Logan, but Logan didn't want to.

"Ace, come on"

"You don't wanna name him after you?" Maddie asked

"Maybe as a middle name, but I don't want to name my son Logan" Logan said

"We already have a middle name" I said. We'd picked out the middle name months ago, we were just stuck on a first name.

"I know"

Logan's POV-

Our son was born at 10:17am on April 8th 2023, and he was absolutely perfect.

Our hospital stay was short and on Saturday both Rory and the baby were cleared to go home.  This time around we didn't have anyone but the girls visit in the hospital. Instead we spent the time as a family. We also spent the Saturday we got home as a family, and then on Sunday we invited our parents and other family members (minus the kids because we didn't want it to be loud or chaotic) to come meet the baby.

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