February 2021

275 10 2

Rory's POV-

On Saturday we went to Stars Hollow. We were at my mom's house, I was holding Aria and mom was holding Willow. Tori was telling her all about how she got a lollipop in the hospital and showing her the stitches.

"How many stitches did you get?" Mom asked

Tori looked over at me.

"5" I told her

"And there was blood on my shirt, and blood on daddy's shirt because he picked me up" Tori said

"Oh, that's no fun" mom said

"But the nurse gave me a lollipop" Tori said. I was glad that that's what she  remembered, and not me having to hold her down so they could give her a tetanus shot. "I'm going to play" she said and ran into my old bedroom where we had some toys set up for Tori.

"Logan, you wanna know the best part about being the grandparent?" Mom asked. I knew what she was about to do because she did it to me all the time when Tori was a baby.

"What?" Logan asked

"It's being able to give the baby back to the parents when it's time to change diapers" mom said and handed Willow to Logan.

He just smiled and shook his head. "I'll be right back" 

"I hate when you do that" I told her

"Make you change your own kid's diaper?"

"No, not that. It's our kid, we should change the diapers. I hate when you're all like 'you know the best part of being grandma?' It's annoying"

She just laughed. "That's the point"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. "hey, you don't mind if I pump here, do you?"

"Please, I've literally seen you give birth" she said "your boobs don't scare me. Besides, what am I gonna do? Tell you not to? That seems like a terrible idea"

"It is" I chuckled

A little while later, we're headed over to see Lane and Zach.

"I told them" Lane said

"How'd they take it?" I asked

"They're really excited" she said. "I thought they'd be grossed out, so it's a win in my book"

"Excited is good"

"Excited about what?" Logan asked

"You didn't tell him?" Lane asked

"Why would I? It's not my news to tell"

"Tell me what?" Logan asked

"That I'm pregnant" Lane said

"Oh, that's great. Congratulations"

"Thank you"

Logan's POV-

The following Saturday we invited our friends to come over to meet the babies.

"Who's who?" Finn asked

"Rosemary's holding Willow, and Colin's holding Aria" Rory said

"Other way, Ace"

"Look at the pacifier" Rory said. "Willow has pink, Aria has white"

"Willow has white, Aria has pink" I told her

"How much do you wanna bet?" She asked

"Every diaper change between 10pm and 7am tonight" I said

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