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Rory's POV-

On May 15th, I woke up to Logan softly kissing the back of my shoulder. I turned me head to look at him and he kissed my lips. "Hey wedding day, Ace"

"Happy wedding day"

"What time is your mom coming?"


The wedding was at 5pm. Mom was coming over at 10am and she, grandma, Tori, and I were gonna go out for breakfast and then go get out nails done before meeting the bridesmaids back at my apartment at 1.

Logan and I just cuddled in bed for a while, enjoying the peace and quiet before the very chaotic day we were about to have. Around 8:15 Tori came into our room. She always came into our room in the morning wrapped in her blanket, it was so cute. Our bed was pretty high and it wasn't so easy for Tori to get up there, but she knew that if she went over to Logan's side of the bed, he'd pick her up so she didn't have to climb. Logan put Tori in our bed and she crawled over to me and climbed into the blanket. I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled into me.

Around 9, Logan left to go make sure everything was going smoothly at the venue. He and the groomsmen would get ready there. I got up, showered, got myself and Tori dressed and then gave her some milk in a sippy cup and some some strawberries. 

We went out for breakfast with my mom and grandma before going to get our nails done.

"Mommy, it's pink" Tori said

"I see. It's very pretty" I said. This was the first time she ever got her nails done and she was so excited, it was so cute. I was sitting in between my grandma and Tori, and mom was on the other side of Tori.

"Can I take a picture of the 3 of you?" Mom asked

"Go for it" I said and mom took a picture of me, Tori, and grandma.

"Are you nervous?" Grandma asked

"Not at all"


Logan's POV-

"Are you nervous?" Finn asked

"Not at all"

It was about 4:30 and everything was ready. People were starting to arrive and I was very excited. Probably a little too excited.

"You look like Fiona when she's trying to hold her pee" Finn said. "What's with the fidgeting?"

"I'm excited" I told him.

A moment later, Tori came running over to me with Lorelai not so far behind her. "Daddy!"

I never got tired of her calling me that. I picked her up and kissed her cheek. "Did you have a good day?"

She nodded.

"I like your dress"

"It's a princess dress"

"I see that" I smiled. That when Lorelai appeared in front of me.

"I'm gonna say something and you better hear it" she said "if you ever hurt my daughter or granddaughter, in any way, I swear to god, there will not be a place on this earth where you'll be safe" 

I smiled. The threat was in no way necessary, but I knew it was coming from a place of love. "Understood"


After the ceremony, Rory and I took family and wedding party pictures before the reception.

"Can I see the bride, her daughter, her mother, and her grandmother please?" The photographer asked. He took the picture. "Ok mom and grandma move away, groom come back"

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