Forest Adventures

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UPDATE: I realized as I reread through the chapters that I had accidentally been switching between the names Ellie and Eris, whom is another OC of mine from my other Tyler Hoechlin story. So hopefully, I have fixed all of those errors. Let me know if you spot more. I am my own editor ^~^ Edited and Revised through chapter 12 so far.


Elżbieta Stilinski let out an annoyed whine, swinging her hand back to swat at the offending fingers poking at her bare shoulder, invading her personal space.

She let out a growl and sprang up in her bed, hair falling in waves, covering her vision.

She batted the offending curls away and glared as her younger brother jumped away from her angry batting hands. He grinned sheepishly at her glare.

"What, Stiles? What could you possibly need while I'm trying to sleep? I worked twelve to twelve yesterday. I. Am. Tired." She ground out.

Stiles' grin just seemed to get wider. "Dad gave Scott and I permission to go look for his inhaler that he lost in the woods the other night."

She shrugged her shoulders and waved her hand, prompting him to continue.

"Yeah, and what does this have to do with me? You two are the idiots that went looking for a dead body, not me." She rolled her eyes. She would never understand what made Stiles want to go out and see a dead body. Boys will be boys.

"Dad gave us one condition, Ellie." He smiled sheepishly.

Ellie let her head thump heavily against her palm. "God... Only if I came with, right?" She bit out between clenched teeth.

Stiles got down on his knees dramatically and clasped his hands in front of him.

"Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!" He begged. "I'll never bother you while you sleep ever again!" He tried to bargain.

She huffed in exasperation, trying to stifle her amusement. Her eyes shifted over to her clock and glared, all amusement leaving her. She had only been asleep for a little over three hours. It was nearing 5 pm.

She flung the blankets off to the side and slid her legs over the edge of the bed. The bed that was calling for her to lay back down.

She pointed angrily at her brother. "You guys owe me. You're lucky I don't work tomorrow, or I'd say no."

He quickly bolted from the room with a shout. "Thank you!" Leaving before she could change her mind.

She chuckled softly. Despite her brother being an annoying, hyperactive shit, she adored him to pieces.

Ellie gave her outfit a once over before shrugging. She opened her closet and grabbed a dark blue cardigan. She threw it on and grabbed a pair of socks. She didn't feel like changing out of her sleep wear, but knew she shouldn't go hiking through the woods in flip flops.

The cardigan would help hide the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath her tank top, though it would hardly be noticeable either way. She was pretty flat in the chest region.

Sleepily, she turns and follows after her brother.


"I'm going to kill them." Ellie seethed. Somehow, they had wandered off without her noticing, and now she was stumbling around with no idea which way was which. She didn't know these woods like the boys seemed to.

"Shouldn't be too hard to hide the bodies. No one would ever know."

She grumbles to herself as she continues walking, feet scuffing the ground in her frustration

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