Once More

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It was quiet. Way too quiet. Ellie blinked open tired eyes. They felt as if they had been glued shut. Her lids felt heavy, and they hurt.

She blinked slowly as her vision slowly cleared. Someone was carrying her. She could feel her body sway back and forth as they moved. Her eyes slid shut against her will. It was hard to keep them open.

Her arm hung limply while the other was laid over her belly.

She pried her heavy lids open, determined to find out what was going on.

She caught sight of the face above hers.

Peter. Her head turned slowly, catching sight of someone walking close beside them. Derek.

He was curled in on himself, clutching at his chest with a pained grimace on his face.

His gaze fell to hers and his eyes widened. "Peter!"

She let out a groan as they halted suddenly, and Peter was adjusting his grip. "Gave us a scare there, Darling."

Ellie opened her mouth to respond only for her eyes to roll back as she fell unconscious.


When Ellie woke up, she was at the bottom of a ravine. She was bruised and battered, and she was pretty sure her right arm was broken.

She couldn't remember why she was here or how she got here, but she was being chased.

She scrambled painfully to her feet, fingers digging into the dirt as she pushed herself up.

She glanced over her shoulder as she ran, her arm clenched to her chest as it throbbed.

She was terrified and alone and that scared her even more.

She fumbled her way up and over a rock and threw herself into a crevasse between a rock formation.

She brought her hands up to her chest and tried to control her breathing, she really didn't want those guys finding her.

She sniffled wetly and peered around the edge of the rock to see if they were close.

She froze as the sounds of the forest started to get to her. She couldn't tell what was normal and what could be the crazy guys.

She was trying so hard not to sob. She couldn't afford to be loud right now.

Her breath hitched as she heard footsteps. They were slow, trying to be quiet.

She backed up slowly, trying to become one with the shadows around her.

She brought her hand up to her mouth to stifle her breathing.

A few small pebbles rained over her head from above.

Fear shot through her. She looked up slowly. She locked eyes on a man crouched above on the rocks above. He was dressed like the others, freaky animal skin tribal like clothes and a mask made of an animal skull.

She screamed as his hand shot down, gripping onto her hair as he yanked her up, dragging her struggling form up and across the rocks.

She cried out and screamed as she twisted, trying to dislodge his grip, both hands shooting up to scratch at his hand and arm.

Pain shot through her arm and scalp, but her adrenaline won out.

He tossed her and she rolled. When she came to a rest she pushed herself up with her one arm. They were surrounding her on all sides. One on the front and two in the rear.

She brought herself up to her knees and gazed around in a daze. If she didn't do something, she was going to die here. Die before she could marry the love of her life, raise their kids together and grow old.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now