Cousin Miguel

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"You want me to do what?" Danny exclaimed, completely confused as he stood inside Stiles' room, backpack over one shoulder as he stared at Stiles in confusion.

"Trace a text." Stiles said, shrugging as if he were asking for something simple.

"I came here to do lab work. That's what lab partners do."

Stiles sighed and rubbed a hand over his shaved head.

"And we will. Once you trace the text."

Danny met Stiles' stare head on before he gave a sigh in defeat.

"And what makes you think I know how?"

Stiles blinked. "Uh... I looked up your arrest report, so..." He trailed off with a shrug.

Danny's shoulders dropped and he glared. "I was thirteen. They dropped the charges."

Stiles continued to stare; mouth opened slightly. He gestured his hands around and groaned as Danny shook his head.

"No. We are doing lab work." Danny set his backpack down beside Stiles' desk and sat down on the chair beside Stiles.

He startled slightly as he finally noticed the other two people in the room. Ellie sat upon Derek's lap as they both were settled into a blue mushroom-like chair that Ellie had dragged in from her room.

Ellie and Derek were silently reading a book together as she snuggled into his lap, tapping his wrist every now and then to let him know he could turn the page.

She sat sideways, her legs dangling over his one arm while hers was clinging to his shoulders, her head resting against his shoulder as they read.

"Who's he again?" Danny asked as he pointed towards Derek with his thumb.

Stiles paused in his fumbling with his laptop and looked over towards Ellie and Derek. He had forgotten they were there.

"Um... my cousin." Stiles flinched as Ellie and Derek shot him an immediate glare. "Miguel."

Danny bore a hole through the side of Stiles' head. "Right. Cousin. Your sister is literally in his lap, dude."

Stiles grimaced and gave a shrug. He had no idea how to fix this.

Danny glanced back over towards the couple. "Is that blood on his shirt?"

Stiles shot a look towards Derek and Ellie sat up to get a view as well. Huh. That was definitely blood.

"He gets real bad nose bleeds." Ellie said as she shrugged. She got up off Derek's lap and pretended to peer down at Derek's shirt, her lips grinning down at him. "Well, what do you know? That is blood."

Derek sent her a halfhearted glare.

"Hey, Miguel?" Stiles called and flinched back once more as Derek shifted his glare towards the teen, gaze hardening.

"I thought I told you that you could borrow one of my shirts?" Stiles gestured towards his dresser.

Ellie bit back a giggle and flopped herself down on her brother's bed. "Oh! That's right! Stiles did say that! Go ahead, cousin."

Derek's glare shifted back over to his girlfriend who giggled behind her hand.

Derek snapped the book shut, the sound echoing around the room as he stood up in silent irritation, begrudgingly heading over to the dresser.

He ripped his shirt over his head, exposing his back and Danny's eyes are immediately drawn to the rippling muscles and the tattoo.

Neither Danny nor Ellie were paying any attention to Stiles as he began talking, too invested in watching Derek, Miguel, try to find a shirt.

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