The End Is Nigh

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AN: We are nearing the end! Only three more chapters of the first book after this chapter!

It was warm. Incredibly warm. She could feel the warmth seeping into her every pore. Her muscles have turned into jelly, and she felt so peaceful.

Safe. She was safe. Nothing would hurt her here.

Elżbieta opened her eyes slowly, reluctantly. She had never felt more at peace. She didn't want to break that bubble. Not to mention her exhaustion. Her body and mind felt weak, like she could sleep for weeks on end.

She smiled softly as she gazed around. She was in the Pack Nest they had created at home. A place where they could all cuddle and spend time just basking in the presence of one another.

Papa was adamant that it was a den, not a nest, but she and the others thought that a nest suited it more. It was after all, a large pile of blankets, pillows and futon mattresses piled alongside and on top of one another for max comfort.

The house was their den, and this? This was their nest, their comfort spot.

The warmth she felt that made her want to go right back to sleep, had been her pack. She was surrounded by them.

She was on her side, smack dab in the middle. She could feel her Papa pressed up behind her, his arm slung around her and Derek. She had no doubt her dad was right behind him.

Derek was glued to her front, his face pressed into her chest, one arm curled in and clinging to the material at the bottom of her shirt, which she had realized was one of his, and the other arm was lightly thrown over her thigh.

She tipped her chin down and let it rest softly atop his head with a satisfied smile across her lips. She could see Stiles and Scott just behind him.

Stiles was turned semi toward her and semi on his back, his face turned up towards the ceiling. Scott was curled up next to him, most of his lower body covering Stiles.

She has seen them sleep like this many times before. It was a restless sleep that eventually fell into a deep exhausted sleep. Stiles fell into that type of sleep often. When he stayed up late studying or researching and his body couldn't stay awake any longer.

Movement above her head had her tilting her head up slowly, trying not to disturb Derek.

Her eyes misted over. Danny. Danny was sleeping on his back right above them all. His chest rose slowly as he slumbered. His face was turned toward her. Every one of her pack had themselves turned towards her form in one way or another.

Ellie's eyes widened as she spotted the pale arm that was laying across Danny's stomach, the hand, inches from the top of her head.

She followed the arm up and her whiskey orbs locked onto two silver blue orbs that gazed right back at her from Danny's shoulder.

She had been so touched that Danny was here, that she hadn't even noticed the person sleeping on Danny's shoulder.


He was alive and well. Thank God.

She let a single tear fall from her eye before closing them with a smile.

She turned her head back down and buried her face into Derek's hair.

She wasn't sure how long she had been out for. She wasn't exactly sure what had happened.

Her pack would tell her. She knew they would. But right now, she was sleepy, and they all looked exhausted. From those she could see, there were dark bags under their eyes.

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