Thy Collar Around

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Ellie peered through the back window, glaring venomously at the car chasing behind them. What she would give for this bitch to just die.

"Faster?" Scott asked and she rolled her eyes.

Stiles threw his boyfriend a look filled with pure exasperation. "Much faster."

"It's called a car chase, Scott. Put the pedal to the metal." Ellie bit out as she spun back to face the front.

Scott rolled his eyes and pressed down harder on the gas as the car fish tailed off the train tracks and onto a side street.

"Dad did warn us that it might get hairy here for a while. He wasn't kidding." Stiles sighed and held on tightly to the dash as Scott swerved.

"Yeah, well, we have nothing to prove Derek's innocence." Ellie sighed sadly.

Scott tugged harshly on the wheel as he booked it around another building and into an alley.

"Please, dear God. Do not hurt this car. Derek will kill you." Ellie pleaded, leaned forward and slapped Scott's shoulder.

"Hey! Trying to drive here!"

"You really aren't getting the concept of a car chase here, Scott!" Stiles looked back and Ellie followed his gaze.

"She's still on our ass." She hissed.

Scott gave a sad and pathetic sounding whine.

"If I go any faster, I will kill us!"

"Well, if you don't go faster, she's going to kill us!" Stiles gestured harshly over his shoulder.

Scott took a deep breath and floored it.

The car swerved and Ellie was yanked sideways. She fell back into the seat with a huff.

She turned to look over her shoulder and frowned.

"She's gone." She said, confusion leaking into her voice.

Stiles turned and looked back as well. "Huh."

Stiles yanked out his walkie talkie that their dad had given him and tuned it in.

"All units. Suspect is on foot heading into the Iron Works."

Ellie perked up and looked through the space between the two front seats. She leaned forward and pointed towards the left.

"Turn left up ahead. Follow the tracks. It'll lead directly to the center of the Iron Works." She said and frowned when both teens sent her strange looks.


Stiles shook his head. "I don't think we want to know how you know that."

Ellie pouted and sat back in the middle seat and crossed her arms over her chest. "Meanies."

"There!" Stiles shouted and Ellie slid to the right to look out the tinted window.

Scott slid the car around and slammed on the brakes. Stiles threw the car door open. "Get in!"

Ellie grinned as Derek threw himself over her brother's lap and crawled through the gap to get into the back beside Ellie.

Gun fire hits the side of the Camaro as Scott takes off.

Ellie's hands are on Derek within seconds, searching for any injuries.

One of Derek's arms slid around her waist to draw her closer while the other slammed harshly into the seat beside his thigh.

"What part of lying low do you not understand? Peter is going to be so mad!" Scott cried out.

Derek glared out through the front windshield. "Damn it! I had him!" He growled, hand tightening on Ellie's hip before relaxing almost immediately, thumb soothingly rubbing circles into her soft flesh.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now