* Affection *

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Warm lips pressed against the ivory column of her throat, leaving a trail of heat in their wake as they travel over her windpipe and up over her chin to reach her lips.

His mate let out a pleased sigh as she tilted her head up, wanting nothing more than to taste those lips.

What a beautiful way to wake her up.

He knew she would feel the burn his stubble left behind for hours to come, and it made his wolf growl in pleasure, knowing he was carving his mark into her flesh.

He wanted... No. He needed to leave his mark; to soak her in his scent. No one, human or supernatural, would even think twice about who she belonged to.

He had nearly lost her. If she had been lost, he had no doubt that it would have destroyed him. There was no way he would recover from that.

He vowed that he would protect her to his dying breath, before harm ever came to her again.

His body pressed hers down into the sheets, lowering to cover hers, elbow pressing down near her head as his large hand encased the back of her neck to tilt her head back even more.

His other palm slid up her thigh to grip at her hip, squeezing the soft, plump flesh.

He craved to feel every inch of her skin. He craved her like a starving man craved food, or a thirsty dog craved water. Her very being filled his soul with strength.

He longed to be everything she would ever need. To be the one she went to when she needed something, anything! He wanted to be the one to provide for her, to lift her up and carry her through every hardship thrown their way.

She let out a gasp, arching her hips up into his hold, lips parting in a silent plea for more. Her body was begging him for more.

She had yet to open her eyes, but he knew she was awake. He could feel her desire, her need, the longing for him to keep going, to never stop.

This was his first real sign that she was no longer in a healing sleep. That she had survived the fight all those nights ago.

It fueled him. Her longing kept him on his toes, made him keep giving and giving. He would keep on giving even long after he had given her everything she would ever need or want.

His hand disappeared between them, drawing her panties down her legs and tossing them over his shoulder to access her most sacred place.

The second his fingers met her lower folds, golden wisps erupted from her pale flesh and bathed the two of them in a soft, golden glow.

Derek pulled back, eyes following the wisps in awe. They swirled around him, brushing up against his skin, searching, seeking him out.

His eyes widened as they wrapped themselves around each of his thighs and his bicep, holding him in place above her.

She was unconsciously keeping him from moving away.

He shifts, bringing his hand away from her and gently prodding at the wisp wrapped around the thigh closest to his hand.

Her back arched, her head tossed back, and she let out a mewl that sent his blood rushing south.

Oh, God. She could feel him touching them.

He grinned.

Whatever these wisps were, they were a part of his lovely mate. This was her... Her... Power, or something like that.

He stroked carefully, testing the waters.

Her hips bucked up against him and he found himself pulled impossibly closer as she wrapped her legs around his hips, grinding her center up into his pelvis.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now