Vision Beyond

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Something was wrong. The wooden buildings lined up in front of Ellie were a good indicator to start.

The wooden sign and dirt road was another. Saloon. It looked like a scene from an old western movie.

She gazed up and noticed the stars were brighter than she had ever seen before. Not an ounce of light pollution to be found.

She turned when the sound of shouting and angry voices drifted in from behind.

She spun around and spotted a large mob, forming a circle around something she couldn't see from her position.

She was dreaming. She had to be.

She approached cautiously.

A flash of silver drew her attention to the side. An old man stood there, gun in one hand, and a large knife in the other. The blade was dripping thick, red liquid onto the ground.

She swallowed thickly. This man screamed danger. He was wearing black from head to toe, and there was a strange pendant hanging from his neck. Looked like some sort of wolf, but she couldn't get a good look from where she was and she was too terrified to approach, even if he couldn't see her.

Sudden anxiety hit her, and she began pushing and shoving people to the side to get through. They didn't even acknowledge her.

She stumbled out into the center and froze at the scene in front of her. There was a man cradling a woman as they knelt in the dirt. Cradling a bleeding and bloody woman. He was dressed up and looked as if he were the sheriff. If the gold star that was pinned to his chest was what she thought it was, then he must have been the sheriff if this town.

He was bent over the woman's form, face hidden in the woman's red soaked dress.

The woman wore a white old western styled dress, blood soaking the fabric and spreading out on the dirt beneath them.

Ellie gasped as the woman's head lolled back, and she got a good look at the women's wide, vacant eyes. Tears had been pouring down the woman's blood splattered pale face. She looked frozen in pure agony and horror.

Ellie stumbled back as she realized she was looking at an exact copy of herself. Her doppelganger. And she was very dead.

The crowd began to part, and Ellie watched in horror as the old man from before stormed his way through the parted townspeople.

He didn't speak. He just glared at the couple before him. He raised the knife, and his lips began to move, but Ellie couldn't hear a single word as the man began to circle the couple.

Ellie let out a cry as the grieving man raised his head, face completely wolfed out.

His fangs elongated, facial features more wolf-like with wicked sideburns. But his eyes. They were glowing a vivid red that sent a shiver down Ellie's spine. He was pissed. The most she had ever seen before.

Ellie's breath caught in her throat. She recognized that face. Even behind the unfamiliar wolfed out features and long shaggy hair.

"Derek." She whispered out, hands raised to cover her mouth.

His gaze snapped over and locked onto her form. His eyes widened in shock at what he was seeing.

His gaze shot back down to the woman in his arms before looking back up at Ellie.

He opened his mouth to call out to her, no doubt, but Ellie reacted first. She caught sight of the old man as he prepared to throw his knife, and Ellie's body reacted before her mind.

She threw herself in front of Derek and her doppelganger, caught the knife in between two fingers, and threw it right back at the man.

It embedded deep into the man's shoulder, and he stumbled back with a cry.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now