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Ellie isn't sure when she fell asleep.

She clenched her fists, feeling the grass blades beneath her palms and the dirt under her nails as she curled her fingers into the surface below.

She sat up slowly and gaped at the environment around her.

She was in a field. The wildlife was thriving here. It was unlike anything she had ever seen.

Everything was so vivid and green. She could see butterflies and bees as they attacked the flowers for pollen. She could hear birds singing and chirping away in the trees and feel the wind brush against her cheeks as her eyelashes fluttered in awe.

There, in the center of the field, was the largest, most beautiful tree she has ever laid eyes on.

Its trunk was so wide it would take at least eight or maybe ten people hugging it to encircle the whole thing.

The branches reached high up into the sky and disappeared beneath thick leaves. It was magnificent.

Ellie pulled her knees underneath her and climbed to her feet. She swayed for a moment as her world tilted before steadying once more. Ever so slowly, she made her way closer to the tree. It looked ancient. Hundreds of years old if not thousands.

And...It felt as if it was calling out to her.

As she approached, she could hear what sounded like whispering, but she could not decipher what was being said. Whatever was being whispered to her was intelligible.

She slowed to stop as her feet came to rest mere inches from the base of the tree and reached out slowly.

Her palm came to rest upon the bark of the tree and a warmth spread from her palm and outward into the warm bark. The tree felt... Alive?

Then it went silent, the whispering voices stopped abruptly, the birds stopped singing and she could no longer hear the wind rustling the leaves and grass.

White light flashed across her vision, and she threw her hands up to shield her eyes.

High pitched playful laughter had her lowering her arms and spinning around in place.

Everywhere she looked, she saw nothing but white. She was standing in a void of pure white. She couldn't tell the difference from the floor to the walls to the ceiling. It all blended together. There was just... Nothing.

She spun in place as she spotted something darting around in the corner of her eye. Her eyes widened in shock.

A boy, no older than seven or eight darted around, reaching out for something or someone that Ellie couldn't see.

"Hey no fair! You're so much faster than me!" The boy cried out, a smile lighting up his face as he laughed in delight. There was doubting who this boy was.

"Kaine?" She whispered out in shock. What the hell was going on!?

"Wait for me!" Kaine called out once more before his image disappeared.

Wait... He was speaking in a language she had only heard a few times before. Her mother would sometimes slip into it on occasion without realizing. Kaine was speaking Polish, and she could understand him perfectly. But... How? She never learned her mother's native tongue.

"She's gone Jakub. She is out of your reach, and you will never find her."

Kaine materialized before her once more, this time older, maybe his mid to late teens. Once more, she could not see who he was talking to.

He was glaring at someone, so fiercely, his eyes so silver they nearly glowed.

"With mother and father gone, I am the head of our family now. I will never let you anywhere near her ever again." He growled out, a nasty snarl upon his lips before he spun around and stalked off, disappearing once more.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now