* United *

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Heavy Smut

If someone asked Ellie five years ago where she would be in life, it wouldn't be anywhere near where she ended up.

Derek was on the run and there was nothing her father could do to stop it. Until the Alpha was caught or to the knowledge of the police, the killer, there was no way to prove Derek's innocence.

"A subway station?" Ellie asked in confusion as she looked down at the address Peter had handed her.

"It's the only place we could find that the police wouldn't check. Your dad found it actually." Peter smiled as he watched her face light up. It had been nearly a week since the incident with the alpha and four days since Derek had healed and had to go into hiding. He couldn't stay at the Sheriff's house. It just wouldn't work.

It wasn't right though. A member of their pack wasn't with them, and it was eating away at them all.

Tonight was the full moon. Scott would be training with Peter tonight. Since Scott's anchor was Stiles, he had control especially if Stiles would be there with them as well. Their father had to work, and Derek had requested Peter to send Ellie to him during the full moon, since she was now his anchor.

Ellie giggled. "Thank you, Papa. I've missed him." She pulled Peter down into a hug and he returned it tenfold.

"I wanted all of us to spend the full moon together, but if anyone saw Derek with us right now..." He trailed off.

Ellie pulled back and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "We understand. It really sucks, but we all understand."

Peter's eyes softened as he gazed at the woman who had become a daughter to him. "Go. Go and enjoy a night with your mate. He's going to need you since none of us can."

With one last quick hug, Ellie bolted for Peter's new car, the keys jingling in her hold.

As she sat behind the wheel, she ran her fingers delicately over the wheel before her. She's so glad Peter had the same taste as his nephew.

Peter chuckled and shook his head fondly as he watched the blood red mustang peel out of the driveway.


Ellie took the concrete steps down slowly, cautiously. The subway has been long since abandoned and it of course was far out of town and underground. She was now walking in unknown territory.

She came to a stop at the bottom step and let her eyes roam around. Though the place was old and dusty, it did look like someone had tried to clean it up a bit. Rubble and benches piled up and out of the way along the far back wall.

She slowly made her way towards the middle of the large area. Three abandoned train cars sat on an old rushing track on the right.

She smiled as she came to a rest at the base of a mattress that had been placed on the floor near the door to the middle train car.

Ellie let out a startled gasp as a heavy thud sounded from behind her.

She spun around, hand flying up to cover her heart and let out a startled laugh. "Jesus! You need a bell." She exclaimed and blushed as a sheepish look flashed across Derek's face.

"Sorry." Ellie bit her lip. He didn't apologize very often, did he?

Ellie let her eyes roam over his body from head to toe. She smiled softly. "Were you up in the rafters?" She asked as she gazed up toward where he must have dropped down from.

Derek watched her face closely, wanting to greedily take in her every feature. She was beautiful.

"I heard someone wasn't a fan of spiders." He said and grinned as her head shot down to look at him. He crossed his arms and jutted out a hip.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now