Unexpected Run In

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Ellie didn't remember her painting escapade. She was baffled when Derek had shown it to her the next morning. She did, however, vividly remember the dream.

After making sure Peter was all good to be left alone for a while; (he was moving around better now!) Stiles went out on patrol with Noah, while she, Derek and Scott went out to keep a close watch on them all while looking for signs of the Alpha.

Low and behold, another murder. This time, a video store clerk.

"Oh, look! Is that a dead body!?" Stiles exclaimed while pointing at the white sheet that was indeed covering a body as the paramedics wheeled it to an ambulance.

Ellie snorted at the look of utter annoyance their dad shot at her brother.

She was kneeling beside both Scott and Derek on the top of the store.

She was close enough to Derek to feel the slight brush of his leather jacket against her arm and smell his scent. She knew he didn't wear any cologne due to his wolfy nose, but his natural scent was addicting to her. He almost always smelled like it had just rained, and he had been rolling through freshly cut grass. She loved it.

She peered over the edge while Derek, full-on, leaned to get a better look. His leg up and on the edge of the roof as he looked down.

"I don't recognize the scent." Derek said as they watched Noah usher people back.

"Why is he killing people? Most werewolves don't go out into the middle of the night murdering people, do they?" Scott asked, head tilted down as he watched the paramedics shut the ambulance doors, a sad look on his face. Ah, Scott. Always wanting to see the good in people.

Derek looked over towards Scott with a shake of his head. "No. We may be predators, but we don't have to be killers."

Scott looked away from the scene and peered around Ellie to look at Derek as he asked his next question. "Then why is he killing?"

Derek backed away from the ledge. "That's what we are going to figure out." As he began to walk away, he paused and waited for Ellie as she skipped after him. The corner of his mouth tugged up slightly as she looped her arm through his.

Scott took one last look at the scene below before following after the pair, a small smile on his face as he trailed happily behind them.

"Is it always going to feel like this, Derek?" He asked softly. Derek gazed back at him with a frown.

"Like what?"

Scott shrugged. "The bonds, the feelings, the pack. It's amazing. I don't think I'll ever feel alone again."

Derek leapt off the back of the building easily followed shortly by Scott. Ellie sweat dropped and placed her hands on her hips as she glared down at the two.

"Human here!" She pouted. Derek smirked up at her.

"That's what it feels like to have a real Pack, Scott. A pack is family." Derek spoke as he looked up at his mate. He held his arms out and gestured with his head to his arms.

Ellie's breath caught in her chest as she openly stared down at him.

She threw her head back and closed her eyes. "Jesus Christ." She muttered to herself before closing her eyes and stepped off the edge, praying to whatever god was out there that he would indeed catch her.

She let out a yelp as she fell right into his arms. His hands tightly gripped her bridal style.

Ellie cautiously opened her eyes and looked up into his face as she gripped onto his shoulders for dead life.

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