A Wolf's Soul

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After making sure Peter was alright; he was still sleeping; Ellie made everyone sit down in the living room.

She had texted her dad, and Noah said he would be there shortly. This conversation was needed and very important.

Ellie was also seething angrily. Kate Argent was in town. She was the woman Derek had said was the one behind the burning and murder of his family. She was the one who had shot him. He had gone out last night looking for the new feral alpha and was in mid chase when she had shot him.

Noah came through the archway of the living room and sat heavily onto the recliner. Derek told them everything. He started with the reason why Kate had managed to manipulate him all those years ago. He had been grieving from the loss of his first love Paige. How she had gotten bit by an Alpha, but her body had rejected the bite, and she had been dying. She begged him to end her suffering, which was why he had blue eyes. A beta's eyes turned blue when they had taken a life.

Taking a life wasn't necessarily a bad thing to werewolves. They would protect their land and pack and would kill to do so. But Derek was forced to kill an innocent, which Ellie knew was the reason why he was so withdrawn; and the reason why he didn't want to get close to anyone. Especially after losing almost everyone he loved to the fire.

He also told them about Kate, about what happened 6 years ago. She had gotten to him by using his grief and acting like she cared when no one else did. She used him to gain info on his family. It's how she knew when they would have all been home when she and a group of hunters set fire to the house.

Ellie knew instantly that Kate had let Derek live on purpose. She wanted him to suffer. She wanted him to believe he was the reason his family were dead.

Ellie knew that if she ever got her hands on that slimy bitch, she would end up killing her with no regret.

Noah heaved a heavy breath as he swiped a hand down his face.

"We need evidence. I've been looking into things, so if she's here, she is here for a reason." Noah spoke gravely.

Stiles frowned before his face lit up. "I can do some research! It's my specialty. I can dig anything up on just about anything!"

Noah eyed his son wearily. "Is it legal?" He paused. "You know what, I don't wanna know." Anything to nail the woman who was out to destroy his new family.

Ellie crossed her arms over her chest. "She's a hunter. It could be possible that she has done this before. Seduce someone from a wolf pack and then kill them all tragically." She trailed off and her eyes widened.

"Dad! Maybe she somehow found out someone is digging into it? She could be here to cover her tracks."

Derek growled. "I wouldn't put it past her."

Noah looked between the two and smiled softly. "Derek. Ellie told me she said you can stay here. Where is your stuff?"

Derek looked shocked before he quickly schooled his features. "At the Hale House."

Noah frowned. "The house that is barely standing and about to be torn down soon?" At Derek's nod, the man stood up and stretched. "You should collect your stuff tomorrow and bring them home then. And anything else that could have survived the fire."

Ellie met Derek's eyes as he turned to look at her, as if sensing her gaze. "I'll come with you. I technically own it and the land now. Until Peter is up and healthy again, that is."

Derek chuckled under his breath. Of course, she owns his family's property.


A few hours later, everyone made their way to their respective rooms for some R&R. Scott decided to stay the night, sharing Stiles' bed as they usually did, though Noah refused to let them sleep in the same room anymore without the door wide open, since they were now dating.

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