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Ellie was grinning so wide that her cheeks were hurting. She gripped onto the dashboard in front of her as the scenery whipped past.

She was bouncing in place, staring out the front window in excitement and wonder. She'd never been in a car that could go this fast before.

She was so focused on the road in front of her that she completely missed the soft look that flickered across Derek's face at the sight of her joy and excitement.

When she turned to grin at him, she met with one of Derek's typical stares. His head turned toward her, his eyebrows rising up and down while his face remained blank. She giggled.

Ellie leaned back heavily into the seat as he rolled to a stop in front of her house. She gazed out the window with a soft frown. She needed to tell him about Peter.

"Do you know what I do for a living?" She asked softly, gazing out at the house before her, not a light on.

She didn't expect an answer, so she continued on.

"I graduated high school at sixteen and spent the next three years on getting a few master's while away at college, but nothing screamed at me. Not until I volunteered at a long-term health facility. I ended up getting a license so I could help those who couldn't help themselves." She trailed off with a fond smile.

"Three years ago, I met a man at the facility who had been one of the only survivors of a fire that nearly killed his entire family." Even though she wasn't looking at him, she could feel the thickening tension in the air between them.

"His body and mind were left in a catatonic state while they both healed." She looked down at her lap and picked at her nails. "I began working with him as his main health care nurse. I grew fond of him. I came to view him as my second father."

She let out a heavy breath, struggling to continue, not knowing how he would react to the next part.

"A year into working with him, the state declared him abandoned. His niece had stopped paying his medical bills, and we were about to be forced to kick him out." Ellie was beginning to get emotional. What Laura did still pissed her off to this day.

"My dad and I fought tooth and nail for me to become his legal guardian and medical proxy. And to my utter surprise and joy, a judge signed a piece of paper that made it happen. I was able to save him. He had begun responding to me more and more, able to communicate using his eyes and make small hand movements. He's truly healing." She chuckled wetly.

She glanced over towards Derek and smiled sadly. He was clenching onto the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white from the force. His eyes were wet, and he was glaring down at the chevy symbol on the wheel.

She reached over and gently coaxed his hands to unclench. She took his right hand in hers and gave it a squeeze.

"You had no idea he was still alive, did you?" She asked softly.

He stared at her blankly for a moment before blinking and gritting out heavily between clenched teeth. "No. She told me we were the only survivors."

Ellie nodded and moved back. She unbuckled, opened the door, and stepped out. As the door shut, she bent at the waist to peer back inside through the open window.

She met his gaze once more, watching as his eyes searched her face. "Sunday, Stiles and I are going to visit him if you'd like to join us. I know he would love to have you as part of his pack once more."

"Thank you for the ride, Derek. You saved me a long trip walking home." And with that, she left him with those words swirling around in his head. His eyes widen in shock as her words are processed.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now