A Sign of Life

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"Hey, Mary! How's Peter doing this morning?" Ellie bounced in place at the counter, grinning at the woman behind it as the older woman started to sign Ellie in as a visitor.

Mary is 50 years old with salt and pepper hair, and lively gray eyes. She was a sweet thing whom Eris adored.

"Pretty well. He's certainly responding and communicating better than he was before you came along. Even if it's just his eyes. He is very much aware of his surroundings now." Mary smiled as Ellie bounced in place.

"Though, that new girl has been mighty interested in your lovely Peter. Asking all sorts of questions." Mary comments as she finishes checking Ellie in.

Ellie frowned. Mood slightly ruined, she falls back to the balls of her feet, head tilting in question. "Oh? What type of questions?"

Mary returned her frown with one of her own. "She asked to be put in charge of his care but was shot down immediately. She's also been asking why he's here, who he is exactly, how long he has been here, how catatonic he is... things like that. It's quite concerning. The other girls and I have been dodging her questions left and right. We've tried to keep her away from him."

Ellie bit back a snarl. "She sounds obsessed."

Mary shook her head. "That's what we believed as well. But don't worry about that right now. Go! Spend some time with your second Daddy." She waves Ellie away.

"Oh, ew! Mary! Don't say it like that! He's my second father, not some sex friend." They both burst into giggles.

"Besides, I ran into his nephew yesterday. I'm not sure he even knows Peter is alive. I plan on telling him. Oh! And he's so freaking hot, Mary! I swear he sent my ovaries into overdrive!" Ellie fanned her face and stuck out her tongue as she feigned panting.

Now don't get her wrong, She isn't always so vulgar and horny sounding, but she is a girl and girls get horny too!

Talking with another girl about boys, however, makes her happy. It reminds her of when she used to talk to her mom about boys.

"Oh boy. You plan on trying to nab him?" Mary giggled as she leaned forward, whispering as if they were sharing a deep dark secret.

Ellie snorted and waved her hand. "Pft! As if. The dude is totally out of my league. He is like a solid 10 while I'm a measly 4."

Mary smiled sadly. "Oh, honey. You don't give yourself enough credit. You put super models to shame."

Ellie shook her head. "I look like a child, Mary. Who wants to be with someone who will cause them to be mistaken as a pedophile? And! Most men prefer women with bowling balls on their chests, or at least something big enough to grab. I'm like an adolescent who has to wear training bras because she's too small for anything else." She complained.

Mary just shook her head. Ellie would never see herself the way others did. The young twenty two year old was gorgeous and definitely did not look like a child. Yes, she was very petite and had creamy pale skin, but she had big expressive whiskey colored eyes hidden behind thick, dark lashes. She had soft barely noticeable freckles splashed across her nose and the tops of her cheeks.

Her bow shaped lips, glistened with her usual lip gloss and luscious chocolate curls that tumbled down her back. She looked exactly like her mother.

Ellie waved to Mary before making her way through the door to the right of the counter. She was headed on autopilot to Peter's room.

She pauses in the doorway, spotting the new and suspicious nurse standing behind Peter's wheelchair, no doubt freaking the man out.

"Just what are you doing in here, Jessica? I thought Mary told you to leave Peter alone." Her voice startled the woman. She spun around, orange hair whacking her in the face as she quickly hid something behind her back. Something that looked suspiciously like a dog whistle.

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