9- Sweet Smell of Pastries

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-Reader's pov-

The leaves of red trees dangled and swayed through the busy, rough wind as you tightened your grip on your staff, trying not to get blow off with the fast breeze trying to loosen up your grip The wind hits your face like a hard impact, but it feels refreshing.

Your below-the-knees-black-dress waved roughly along with the wind as you flew by effortlessly like a sparrow bird. With your maroon-colored ribbon on your back, roughly moving with the strong wind.

Just after brushing your teeth, the minty spice mixed with the wind after you accidentally opened your mouth through the force of the tight, cold, and harsh air. Thank Titan. Nothing flew in.

You really wanted to get the job, so you decided to be early. The rushing of the breeze went through your black hair. Your staff halted to a stop when Mr. and Mrs. Nieva's store came into your view with the chimney smoking out dark, visible smoke that could kill you if it could move.

As your breathing calmed down and your feet slowly hit the ground feeling the green grass crush under your lesther shoe, the smell of blueberry bat pie swims inside your nose and that feeling when you eat something so good. You came in the pastry store, with Stellar following right behind you.

The bell shook and rang as you stepped inside the store, smelling all kinds of pastry. "Oh, is that snake soufflé?" I skeptically thought, The image of a snake soufflé goes in and out my head. Mrs. Nieva was handling the store, I looked around as she handled a tough-looking three-eyed horse person, demanding a refund for his fairy cupcake.

"I told you, I want a new one, a refund!" The horse person harshly demanded, curling his hands into a fist, with the intention to hit fiercely and act with violence.

"Woah, woah, woah, horsey," I interrupted the horse person, lifting my hands to my head height, with a sly smile. "Calm your horses down, dude," I added with a smile. "Oh, wait, the horse is you." I announced jokingly.

The demon horse furrowed his eyebrow in anger, and his fists tightened knowingly imprinted his nails onto his palm. He looked around as if trying to find something or someone at least. Walking away, he suddenly whispered into the tips of my pointy ear. Alarmed, Mrs. Nieva readied her index finger, ready to blow him off.

"We aren't done here, Mix." He muttered angrily, finally releasing the pain on his palm. The bell rang once more with him storming off.

"Are you okay, Mariah?" Mrs. Nieva asked fearfully, coming around the counter and to you. "Heh, yeah, I know he couldn't and wouldn't possibly hurt me, a helpless human." I briefly spoke.

Mrs. Nieva lifts her index finger and gets the leaves out of my hair and the dirt on my black dress. "What are you doing here so early?" Asked Mrs. Nieva, lifting one eyebrow in curiosity, she turned around and looked at a screaming clock just above her shelf of old books, "At 7:22 am?" She added, turning around to me.

"Well," I started to speak, dusting myself off, "I was hoping I could apply for a job?" I smiled sheepishly, "I wanna stay on one job for now, and if you're wondering why I chose here, it's because you are one of the people I trust other than someone else," I said, "Also because your store is popular and is far away from Bonesborrow." I added.

"Oh," Mrs. Nieva muttered, "Yeah, of course you can work here," Mrs. Nieva exclaimed happily, "With my husband working away, I could use your company." She smiled and shook my hand.

"So, when are you free?" She asked, "Oh wow, I got the job? Noicee." I thought. "Oh! Uh, I guess as soon as possible, if you're up to it." I said sheepishly.

She let go of my hand warmly, "Ah! How about tomorrow Monday? Is that good? Your salary will be 3,000 snails per week." She announced. "Wowzers, heck yeah, I'll come in here tomorrow morning." I said and waved goodbye.

I walked away from the store feeling satisfied already, "Yes! We got the job, Stella!" I excitedly whispered to Stella, who has been on my shoulder.

I sat on my staff and flew away. Away to somewhere. "Where should we go, Stella?" I asked as the sunlight shimmered into my eyes. It felt hot, I felt sweat run down my forehead, and I quickly covered my eyes from the harsh sunlight.

Stella yawned in response, followed by a small sneeze. "Yeah, you're right, Stell. Let's go Hunter bounting!!" I proudly exclaimed, heading myself to the Bounty Board.

After I arrived at the Bounty Board, I looked up, down, left and right, trying to find the perfect Bounty. Suddenly, looking at a blue, almost-like big whale, an idea hit me.

"Oh, ho, ho, ho!" I exclaimed. I tore off the poster and went off to the ship. The selkidomus is a perfect Bounty. It's easier, and the pay can offer me a lot of snails if I did it.

I happily walked off to the direction of the ship, feeling like I was about to achieve far greater than great, if you know what I mean.


-Enzo's pov-

"Emperor Belos, you wanted to.. See me?" My trembling-low voice echoed through the dim lit room. At the end of the room, there sat Emperor Belos, the heartbeat pounded gently and normally.

In the midst of the silence, it felt like stepping on spikes. It felt uncomfortable. It disgustingly felt like everything was looking at me. On the corners stood stone, old, big silver guards, they looked like they were suffering.

"Ah, why, yes." His voice calm and creepy crawled through the room, with a small hint of satisfaction, raised his head downwards and looked at me, "How is the human holding up? I heard that they transformed into the Owl beast." He claimed calmly, yet it feels like he knows I'm about to lie.

"The human is doing alright. They seem to be keeping the beast at bay, Emperor." I calmly muttered out, my voice filled with overwhelming emotions. Although I think my voice seemed to be trembling horribly.

"And I can see that they are starting to lose control. If they can't find any elixir to drink, they could transform into the Owl beast forever." I gulped down, feeling so much worse after letting all that information out.

This feels wrong, but he is the Emperor..

"Good, now you must watch over them and come to me once you get more information," He said in and eerie feeling that made me send shivers down my spine. "Yes, Emperor Belos."

And with that, I slowly got up and walked away, leaving the door closed. As soon as I closed my door to my room, I slid down to the floor and buried my face into my knees. "What the heck should I do?!" I panicked, I can't get close to Mariah, and even if I can, they hate me.

"I could just capture them when they're in their beast form," I whispered, but then it hit me like guilt. "But, if I capture Mariah, then I'm a traitor to them, but if I don't, I'm a traitor to Belos. Also, cursing your loved one is not a love language!!" I desperately whispered, deepening my head in my knees, completely in despair.

"Tell me what to do.. Isi"

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