Chapter 56

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I did not wear the fishnets and stripper heals. I just put on the joggers and tank top I was wearing earlier back on. Cole was equally pleased and displeased with that outfit choice. He immediately threw his hoodie on over me.

"Remo told me you wouldn't like this outfit." I giggle at him.

"Oh I like it. Others will to that's the problem." He grumbles at me.

"Cmon my jealous boyfriend let's get you fed and in bed." I smirk at him leading him to my car.

"I'm not jealous. That means I want something I don't have. I have you, you're mine I just don't share." He smiles and slaps my butt. "Only child syndrome."

I smile back handing him my keys. I'm not in the mood to drive, nor do I want his anxiety ruining his playful mood.

"Possessive." I mumble getting into the passenger side as he holds the door open for me.

"Protective." He smirks.

"Territorial" I smile at him.

"That one's fair." He pecks my lips and closes the door, then proceeds to the drivers side.

I offered to make him dinner to keep his mood up. We stopped at this Italian market to get groceries. When we got back to his house I was greeted with open arms from Zia Sadie.

"Oh Victoria! I love having you around here."

"I love being here Zia Sadie." I hug her and Cole beams at us. "Are you hungry?" I ask her. "I was going to cook Cole and myself some dinner would you like to join?"

"No grazie bambina. Antonella and I are going to a spa retreat." She rubs my shoulders. "What are you making?"

I go to speak but Cole interrupts me "She couldn't make up her mind. I wanted prosciutto y melon but apparently thats not cooking." He says in a fake girl voice and does air quotes around not cooking. I look at Sadie for confirmation and she nods. "Then I thought of shrimp and risotto and she wasn't sure if she would want that. So we have the ingredients for 10 different meals. Just in case you and the entire spa get hungry and want to stop in." Cole grumbles. I give him my Bottero glare and his mother hides a laugh.

"His father was the same way at first bambina. Didn't appreciate my methods. He'll get grateful don't worry." Zia Sadie winks at me. "Sal did and I am not half the chef you are." Cole looks at us with a confused face. "I'm going to to be late." She kisses Cole on the cheek. "Buona fortuna figliolo." She pats him on the cheek. "Take care sweetie." I get a forehead kiss too as she walks out the door.

I stare back at Cole. He smiles at me shyly. "I love you?" He says testing the waters. "I love you." He repeats himself more confident this time.

I roll my eyes "I love you too." I start taking the groceries out of the bags. Cole's phone goes off and he kisses my cheek and answers it. He's blabbing in Italian to a couple of soldiers about shipments and loans. I tune him out as he walks into another room and I begin cooking dinner. I decide to go with the best of both worlds and make a shrimp and prosciutto pasta with homemade pasta.

I'm slicing the pasta when Cole comes down with his guitar and sits on one of the stools on the island. He looks at me and starts playing Wonderful Tonight by Eric Clapton.

"I feel wonderful
Because I see the love light in your eyes
And the wonder of it all
Is that you just don't realize how much I love you."

My eyes start to well up listening to him sing.

"And then I tell her, as I turn out the light
I say, "My darling, you are wonderful tonight"
Oh my darling, you are wonderful tonight."

I put the pasta down that is in my hands and try to wipe some flour off on my apron and walk over to him.

He laughs at me holding his guitar with one hand he cups my chin with the other wiping tears away with his thumb.

"I'll continue to buy whatever food you want to cook amore please don't let me go hungry."

I giggle and kiss him and rub the rest of the tears from my eyes. "Deal my love." I smile and peck his lips again. "Now play Layla."

He laughs and starts to play. I make a mental note to buy him that guitar he wants from Beppe. I finish cooking and we eat at the island.

"Remind me to never doubt your cooking methods again.

"This is your reminder. Next time I'm not cooking." I try to sound smug.

He finishes eating and loads all our dishes into the dishwasher. He comes up behind me and starts kissing my neck.

"Cmon mamas let's go up to our room and lay down."

I nod "No sex though. You're tired, we can relax and unwind after a long weekend."

He fake pouts but takes my hand and leads me up to our room. I put my pajamas back on and he's just in his boxers as usual. We snuggle up in bed and fight over the Xbox controller and who's going to decide what we watch. I obviously won. I put on Schitt's Creek and try to use it as another example of why I need to be an accountant. Cole is laying on his stomach with his arms wrapped around me and his head on my chest. I'm scratching his back and shoulders.

"I'd shoot the guy that stole my money."

"They can't find him."

"I'd find him."

"How with no money?"

"Intimidation and scare tactics." He shrugs. I just smirk. "I'd be fine."

"Oh you would? You could live in a leaky motel?" I ask sarcastically.

"Yeah you'd be there. We'd be fine. As long as I had you. I know we'd get through it."

I kiss his head and relax into him as we both find our sleep.

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