You're Late (pt 1/ 6) [Bully Romance]

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(Set the vibe. Listen to; Dirty Thoughts by Chloe Adams)

My fingers tap the desk as I become more and more irritated. Draco is late, yet again. My eyes follow the other students leaving the library for the night. This is exactly why I didn't want Malfoy as my partner. He's so inconsiderate to keep me waiting like this. I check the time and notice I only have fifteen minutes before curfew.

It's just like him to get me in trouble. After deciding I'm not waiting any longer, I gather my books and begin walking back to the Ravenclaw dormitory. Tomorrow I plan to ask the professor for a change in partners. Or in fact I'll do it all on my own. I don't need Malfoy to do this project anyway.

I stand in front of the Ravenclaw entrance arms full of books and half a mind to track down Draco Malfoy just to give him a piece of my mind. Before I can finish answering the riddle to enter the common room Draco steps right in front of me.

"I've been looking for you," he says, with an annoyed expression.

"Oh you've been looking for me? We had plans to meet in the library and I waited on you for two hours."

A book at the top of my stack slips out of my arms. Draco darts out a hand and catches it before it smacks against the floor. I'm so frustrated with him I begin to consider throwing them all at him.

"I just came from the library and you weren't there," he pauses and his eyes dart to my full arms. "Give me those."

Draco yanks the rest of my books from my arms and begins walking away with them.

"Stop I need them for class tomorrow," I say through gritted teeth as I speed walk to catch up with him.

"We have work to do, it's not my fault you decided to leave before I got to the library."

"I have a curfew. I'm not getting in trouble because of you again Malfoy."

I grab ahold of his sleeve and yank him backward catching him off guard. A few of my books fly from his hand and thud against the wall.

"Are you mad?" He asks while yanking his arm out of my grip.

Draco glares at me as if I'm the one who wasted his time. I reach out to grab the rest of my books from him but he holds them out of my reach. He moves my books to rest against his side and holds them against him with one arm. I take a deep breath and debate on giving up completely and returning to my common room empty handed. I'm sick of bending to Draco and I'm tired of his antics.

"I'm asking for a new partner tomorrow. You're absolutely impossible to work with!"

I stare up at him, matching his glare and waiting for his inevitably cruel response.

"It's too late for any of that. This is due in what, two days? Stop acting like a brat Ebony," he says.

I'm practically fuming now as he smirks at me. It's like he knows exactly what he's doing and is agitating me on purpose. I lunge forward with my arms stretched out ready to rip my books away from him, but Draco is too quick. His free hand shoots out and I feel his cool fingers wrap around my neck. My eyes grow wide with shock as I stare up at him.

"That wasn't very kind of you. In fact, it was quite rude," Draco says in a harsh tone.

His hand tightens slightly around my neck and he pulls me closer to him. My fingers wrap around his wrist as my brain try's to catch up to what exactly is happening right now.

He leans in closely, closing the little distance between us. I feel his breath fan across my hot skin as my cheeks turn a bright red. My breathing isn't restricted much, but I've never been more breathless than I am right now.

"I want you to forget about your curfew Ebony," Draco whispers harshly.

Malfoy is so close his cheek brushes my own. I give a silent prayer that he can't hear my heart about to beat out of my chest.

The way his eyes drop to my lips has me clinching my thighs together. His grip on my neck loosens, to my displeasure, as the pad of his thumb traces my bottom lip. The moment is over far too quickly.

Now stop being a brat and follow me, we have work to do."

As if I'm in a lust fueled daze I do exactly that after picking up my discarded books. We walk through the halls silently and I stay a few feet behind. Did that just happen or am I losing my mind? At this point I don't even know where we are. I've let Draco lead me to who knows where as I replay what happened minutes ago.

I find myself to be feeling very conflicted right now.

Malfoy opens a hidden door behind a painting and motions for me to enter. When I hesitate he rolls his eyes and walks in first. This man is giving me whiplash. I follow him into the dark space and find myself in a study. A fire place roars to life at the flick of Malfoy's wand. The secret study is decorated nicely with towering bookshelves, greenery and leather furnishings.

I don't say a word as I cross the room and sit on the edge of the couch. Draco's eyes meet mine as he takes off his robe and slings it over the back of a chair. He then walks over and sinks into the seat next to me.

"So, where shall we begin?" he asks.

"Well um, I've written down some key points that you can go over and -"

"I'm not talking about the project," he says.

Draco's head falls back to rest against the couch and he turns his head to face me. I watch him out of the corner of my eye. His hands lift to his neck and he loosens his tie.

"I've already finished it," he says.

"You've already finished what? Our project?"

"Yes Ebony. It's done."

I turn my body to face his as I become increasingly irritated all over again. My thigh presses into his own but I don't even care at this point.

"We can't turn in a project that only one of us worked on Malfoy. The professor will know I didn't help and you'll cause me to fail the class," I say, crossing my arms across my chest.

He smirks at me as if he enjoys the idea of me failing.

"You did help, I stole your notes and used those for most of it."

My brows knit together as I stare at him. He's looking at me with amusement. With that same smirk plastered on his face.

"So you're telling me you've made me miss curfew for absolutely nothing?" I ask, fighting the urge to yell.

The hand he has resting on the couch behind me reaches out and rakes through my hair. He tightens his grip as he pulls my head back causing me to gasp. Draco sits up straighter and brings his face close to mine.

"What did I tell you about curfew?" he asks.

"To - um. You told me to forget about it."

"That's exactly right," he pauses briefly, taking a slow breath. "To answer your question I brought you here to do very pleasant things to you Ebony."

My thighs clinch together at the idea of what things he could be meaning. Things I've denied myself of thinking about for years.

"If you are oh, so worried about curfew you can leave, but I think you'd have a much better night if you'd stay," Draco says in a low and smooth voice.

The words role off his tongue like honey. Damn Slytherins.

"What do you say Ebony, are you staying or leaving?"

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