The Competition ( pt 1/5) [Academic Rivals]

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"Blythe will you please turn off the light? It's three in the morning," Molly asks.

"No, I'm busy."

She dramatically slams her face into the pillow.

"You've been studying for hours. If you're worried about the exam I think you'll do fine."

"I won't accept fine. I will only accept perfect. Now stop interrupting me," I say.

"Whatever, but being sleep deprived isn't going to help you pass," she says, turning away.

Being the top of my class is priority and I don't plan on slacking now. There are many others aiming for the spot as well, but I only have one true competitor. Draco Lucius Malfoy. The mere thought of him makes my blood boil.

Shaking my head, I push him out of my mind and return to my studies. Getting lost in the text book as I scribble notes. Only when my hand cramps and the text begins to blur do I give into sleep.

When my alarm blares I jump up from the desk. Cringing, I peel a piece parchment from my cheek; it's plastered there from my drool.

"You look horrible," Molly says.

I feel horrible, too. So horrible that I don't have the energy to argue. There's no point. She couldn't understand my goals even if she tried. My body longs for sleep, but there's no time. I trudge off to the washroom knowing I won't have time to eat either. No matter, I'll make sure not to skip lunch.

My head rests against the desk as I wait for the classroom to fill. I should review my notes, but my mind just needs a break. I soak up the silence while I can.

The table vibrates as something slams onto it, causing me to tense and jump in my seat.

"Sleep well?" Draco asks.


Draco smirks and picks up his book, taking the seat behind mine.

"That's strange. Molly mentioned that you kept her up most of the night," he says.

"Molly does that herself with her incessant snoring," I say.

"Hm. What a shame you work so hard to always fall in second place. It makes me feel a bit sorry for you."

"Strange you say that when I got the highest score in Charms last week," I say.

Draco scoffs, but he knows I'm right.

Everyone falls silent as the Professor waves her wand, sending the tests flying to our desks. I fully immerse myself. Finger tips tracing the symbols and mind working to decipher each one. Although Draco was trying to get under my skin I won't let his words sway my confidence. He does this because he knows I'm his competition.

Once my test is complete I review it twice before sending it back. I'm sure that it's perfect, but my palms still sweat as I watch her grade it. My stomach twists into knots as the parchment floats back to me.

Twenty-nine. Twenty-nine out of fifty.

"Professor, this isn't my test," I say, standing and rushing forward.

"I'm sorry Blythe, but that is yours."

My eyes blur with tears as I stare at the parchment. This doesn't make any sense. I was so sure of myself.

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