The Competition (pt 4/5)

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Draco pulls my legs onto his lap, draping them over his thighs as we study. Classmates pass by and I do my best to concentrate on my reading. Trying to avoid their stares as they wonder about. My eyes flick up to Draco. He's holding his book with one hand, the other resting on my thigh. I smirk when I see that he's silently mouthing what he's reading. Lips moving slightly as his eyes scan the pages. Brow creased, totally concentrated.

Suddenly he looks at me and catches me staring. I avert my eyes quickly, looking back at the pages that I can hardly concentrate on. When I glance back up I see that he's smirking. His hand moves slightly, fingertips grazing my inner thigh. As he begins to trace a pattern on my skin I catch myself holding my breath.

How am I supposed to get anything done while he's doing this to me? My stomach twists as he moves up a bit further. Cheeks heating at the thoughts that run through my mind. There's not many students here given it's Saturday night. The other couches are all empty. My heart still jumps in my chest each time a door opens.

"Are you doing okay, love?" he asks, eyes full of mischief.

"Doing great. This potions recipe is super interesting."

"Oh yeah? Which one?" he asks.

"Um," I pause, scanning the page for the name. "Skele-Glo."

Draco smirks and rests his head on the couch; staring right through me with those gorgeous, cold eyes. I was hardly reading and I feel as if he knows. His hand inches up my thigh, under my skirt. My thighs instinctively clinch together as heat pools between them. I bite my lower lip, mind spinning as I wonder how far he'll go.

"I've never seen you with anyone before. Just your books. Have you been with anyone else?" he asks, voice low.

"In what way?"

"Boyfriends? Girlfriends?"

"I've dated before. Nothing serious though," I say.

"I see," he says, gripping my thigh lightly. "So did this person ever touch you like this?"

Draco's fingers graze against the sensitive spot between my thighs and I inhale sharply.

"No," I say.

He smiles, eyes soft as he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. It shouldn't look so damn delicious, but it does.

"You've never had someone make you come undone at their fingertips?" he asks.

"No," I say, gripping my book tightly.

Draco begins rubbing small, light circles through my underwear and I can't stop the low whimper that escapes me.

"Is that something you want to experience, sweet girl?"

His words send a shiver down my spine and I nod quickly.

Desperate for the sensation of his hands on my skin. When the door to the common room opens my body tenses, but he doesn't pull away. Draco's gaze doesn't leave mine as a group of giggling girls go to the dorms. I silently thank the Gods that I picked the couch facing away from the entry.

Once they've disappeared from sight, he pulls my underwear to the side. I bite down hard on my lower lip in an attempt to silence the moan crawling up my throat.

"Bloody hell, your body is begging for me," he says, running two fingers down my centre.

The contact drives me mad and my face falls as he pulls his hand away. Draco holds his fingers up. Eyes growing hungry as he looks between me and his drenched digits. My lips part as I watch him lick my wetness from his fingertips. Holy. Fuck.

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