You're Late (pt 6 / 6)

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Draco leads me down the forest path. It's alive with chirping birds and other small animals. The sky is bright with vibrant blues, pinks and purples. My mouth falls open as he leads me to an ocean that looks as if it stretches on forever.

"Draco, this is so beautiful. You've got to tell me how you did this."

"Just a bit of magic and imagination," he says, smirking.

The sand squishes beneath my feet as we walk to the waters edge and sit together on a blanket. I'm having trouble keeping up with this. He's certainly blown my mind. Draco begins pulling food from the basket next to us.

"You packed us a picnic and made us a place to go?" I ask, heart melting in his palms.

"I did," Draco says, looking away from me.

Waves lap against the sand and I marvel at the details he's put into this. Sea shells, the sound of seabirds and a beautiful sun set.

"Everything here is entirely real in this room, but if you were to take the shells outside they would disintegrate in a few hours," he says.

After eating, the two of us lie on the blanket watching the evening sky.

"Want to go for a swim?" Draco asks.

"Is it um, safe?"

"No, I'm definitely trying to make you swim in treacherous water for fun," Draco says. "Yes Ebony, it's safe."

"I didn't bring a swim suit,"I say.

"What a shame, neither did I," he says.

Draco stands, holding out a hand to me. When our fingertips meet the sky lights up with a small crackle of lightening. My brow furrows as I stare into the now crimson sky. His hands come around my waist pulling me in close. As he looks down into my eyes, my stomach flips. A short, low rumble of thunder meets my ears.

"Is it going to rain?" I ask.

"It might," Draco says, placing his forehead on my own.

A gesture that I've learned he considers to be intimate. I wish I knew how to hear him sooner. That his touches were his confessions, not his words. Goosebumps form on my skin as his fingertips lightly travel up my arms. Draco's lips brush against mine. He kisses me gently, tugging at my bottom lip with his teeth.

"How about that swim?" he asks.

"A swim sounds good," I say.

He steps back and unbuttons his shirt. As it falls to the ground my heart goes into overdrive. With shaky fingers I begin unbuttoning my own, but Draco swats my hands away to do it himself. The thunder grows a bit louder as if a storm is moving in. The fact that I'm nervous sounds ridiculous. This man has seen me naked, drooling and on my knees.

"Are you cold?" he asks.

"Um, no I'm okay."

It's the perfect temperature, but that doesn't stop me from shivering. Another thing of nature that Malfoy somehow perfected. My eyes follow his movements, cheeks heating as he begins undoing his pants.  They rest unbuttoned on his hips as he returns to me. The sight alone sends electricity through my veins.

"Draco, I think this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."

He lightly touches my face and runs his thumb along my cheek. All of this feels so unreal. He begins walking backwards with my hands in his. When the blanket wraps around his foot the two of us go tumbling to the ground, his body breaking my fall. Sand flies in the air and Draco leans his head back laughing.

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