You're Late (pt 2/6)

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(Set the vibe; Babydoll Ari Abdul)

The tension between us is heavy. Having his lustful gaze transfixed on me is something I never imagined would truly happen.

"I'll stay," I answer.

Draco's smirk turns into a smile and I suddenly wonder what I truly got myself into. He pulls me toward him, keeping my head tilted back. I feel his breath on my skin, his fingers locked in my hair. All the while my stomach has tied itself into knots.

"That's exactly what I needed to hear, love. But there's one more thing," he pauses, I'm dying from anticipation. "Tell me, have you dreamt of this moment?"

"Why don't you tell me if you've dreamt of this moment, Malfoy? After all you're the one who brought me here."

"I dream of a lot of things. But yes I would say you've been in them occasionally," he answers smugly.

His grip tightens on my hair and Draco rests his free hand on my thigh. Goosebumps form as he lightly traces patterns onto my skin.

"I've admitted something to you and now it's your turn. No more dodging my question Ebony. Although, I can see the answer in your eyes. Every time I look at you it's like you're silently begging for it."

The words leave his mouth in a cruel tone. I wonder if he's unable to speak his mind without using a harsh tongue. Draco leans in and places a soft, slow kiss on my neck causing a breathy moan to escape my lips.

"Yes, Draco I- I've dreamt about you a few times."

I can feel him smile against my skin. Malfoy licks from my collar bone to the base of my jaw and I attempt to pull away from him unsuccessfully. I couldn't move even if I wanted to with the hold he has on me.

"What's the matter darling?" he asks in a mocking tone, moving his hand further up my thigh.

Draco's grip on my hair loosens and my head falls forward. I watch as the tips of his fingers play with the hem of my skirt. No one has ever made me feel like this before. Sure I've had partners, but never like this. Never as agonizingly slow as Draco is making it. He's drawing it out. Watching as I fall apart little by little with those piercing silver eyes.

"You're driving me mad," I whisper.

"I know and I'm so damn good at it too. Those looks you give me when I've gotten under your skin, mmm. If looks could kill I would be a dead man."

I glare at him as I realize right now we're playing a game. And I'm not winning.

"Oh, there it is. You're so fucking beautiful when you look at me like that," Malfoy grabs my jaw and leans in closely. "You think you can keep that look on your face as I make you scream my name?"

"I -"

Before I can speak his lips are on mine. Draco's hand trails up my body and wraps around my throat. My whole being feels as if I'm sitting in a fire as Draco bites down on my lower lip. He kisses me roughly causing me to moan. The sound is muffled and desperate. His lips are cold against my hot skin as he trails them down my throat, occasionally grazing his teeth against my flesh.

"Draco, please."

"Please what, Ebony? I can't read your mind. You'll really have to tell me what it is you're begging me for," he says, gripping my thighs and slowly pushing them apart.

"Stop playing with me and give me what we both want."

A dark, deep laugh fills the room and I feel my cheeks turn bright red. He's fucking laughing at me. What does he want from me? Malfoy has done nothing but made me feel frustrated and embarrassed tonight. I stand to leave, but his hand wrap around my wrists. He pulls me closer until I'm standing in front of him.

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