The Competition (pt 3/5)

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My fingers tap on the desk methodically as I wait for the professor of Ancient Runes. She agreed to meet with me after classes today, but I've been waiting for thirty minutes now. As I begin to worry she's forgotten the door to her office swings open.

"Hello, Blythe. Please come in," she says.

As I step into her office the overpowering smell of lilacs assault my nose. There's multiple vases of them around the room. I wonder if she realizes how intense the smell is. I sit in a chair and clasp my hands together to stop from fidgeting.

"I'm glad you've come today, there's something I needing to speak with you about as well," she says, sipping tea. "You first though, go on."

"I know that it's not common practice for students to retake failed tests, but I was hoping you might make an exception," I say.

I refrain from wiping my moist palms on my skirt.

"Under normal circumstances my answer would be no, but it's been brought to my attention that you were right. The test you turned in had been tampered with."

"What do you mean it was tampered with?" I ask.

"Another student came forward earlier today and confessed to transfiguring some of your test answers. I will be allowing you to retake the test in a few days," she says.

"Who did it?"

"Don't concern yourself with that. It's being handled and they will be disciplined for their actions."

She dismisses me quickly. Rushing me out as if her lilacs were on fire.

I pace the halls outside of the Slytherin common room in an attempt to calm my nerves. There's only one person I believe who would've done this. One particular blond, slimy weasel. The more I think about it the more it makes sense; and the angrier I become.

"What is there to be mad about? He confessed didn't he?" Molly asks.

"You don't get it. My grades mean everything to me."

"The two of you have always had this little competition going. Honestly, this doesn't surprise me at all."

"I'm not mad because he surprised me, Molly. Yes him fooling with my test enrages me, but it's more than that," I say, continuing to pace around our dorm. "The fact is everything that happened at the party, and after, happened because he felt guilty." 

Her mouth takes the form of an O as she finally realizes what I'm saying. Speaking the words out loud makes it hurt a bit more.

"What are you going to do?" she asks.

"Honestly, I can only think of one thing that wouldn't be absolutely pathetic," I say, sitting. "Move on and never speak to him again."

I spend the following days buried in my studies. Maybe I'm using them as a way to distract myself, but I don't care.

The stack of books in front of my acts as a wall between me and the other students in the library. I'm hunched over my parchment, quill in hand. Triple checking some notes I took during potions today.

"Studying?" Draco asks, sitting in the seat next to me.

He tried to speak to me yesterday as well. Walked right up to me at breakfast. I didn't acknowledge him then and do the same thing now.

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