You're Late (pt 4/6)

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Sleep evaded me so I get an early start to the day. I'm the first student in class. Anxiety takes over as I worry about Malfoy actually following through with bringing my books. If I don't have them two days in a row that will be a certain detention. I bite my nails and quickly scorn myself for it. Old habits never truly die. If he actually wants me to not speak to William I assume he'll bring them.

Other students begin filtering into the class and I try not to watch the door for him.

"Hey Ebony," William says, coming to stand beside my desk.

"Hey," I say.

"I wanted to ask you if you and Malfoy were dating. What happened yesterday was a little strange and if you're already with someone I wanted to apologize."

Memories of last night pass through my mind. Im not even sure what to tell him, but I guess the truth would be best.

"No, we aren't together."

"Oh, okay. What was all of that about then?"

"He's just. Um, he's just really passionate about studying," I say.

William's eyebrow furrows as he thinks over what I said. I feel the energy shift in the room. Without even turning around, I know it's Draco.

"Well if that's the case then we don't have to study. Maybe we could go to Three Broomsticks and-"

He's cut off by books being slammed down on my table.

"Isorin, what will it take for you to understand that she isn't interested, hm? A billboard? A damn telegraph?" Draco says.

"What is your problem, Malfoy? She just told me the two of you aren't together I don't see how this pertains to you."

Draco looks at me with fury in his eyes. He can't be mad at me about this I was just being honest. At this point everyone in the class is stunned to silence. My face turns red as everyone stares.

"Who are you to question me you filthy half-blood?" Draco sneers.

"I'm just saying that it doesn't make sense-"

"I'm convinced there isn't much that does make sense to you."

"Boys! Sit down and stop this nonsense before you both get a week of detention!" says Professor Binns.

William opens his mouth to say something, but decides against it. My eyes flick between the two of them.


William backs away and takes his usual seat behind me, but Draco doesn't move. I see the muscle in his jaw tick as he watches his every move.

"Mr.Malfoy, I'm not going to tell you again."

I reach out to tug on his sleeve but he jerks his arm away, looking at me with disgust. Malfoy pulls the chair out next to me and sits down. A heavy silence hangs in the air until Professor Binns breaks it.

"Okay, please open your books to page 170."

Keeping my eyes down I begin flipping through the pages. It doesn't take long for me to notice that something is wrong. I can't understand any of this. It's all in a different language or something. I look over at Draco but he ignores my glare. Anger fills me and I take a few deep breaths.

First he embarrasses me and now he's messing with my school work. Not wanting to draw anymore attention to myself, I sit back and try my best to pretend everything is normal.

When the bell chimes I'm the first to stand. I walk swiftly out of the room fuming as if I'm on fire. I feel him following me. It's as if a part of me is tuned into him. I lead us to his secret study. Draco doesn't say a word as he opens the portrait and I follow in after him.

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