The Competition (pt 2/5)

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The silence is heavy and I realize we've got an audience now. My heart pounds in my chest as I hold my breath. I shouldn't have said that. Bloody hell, why did I do that? I have no clue where the exit is. Even if I did, I doubt my ability to run at the moment.

He forcefully grabs my hand locking our fingers together. I feel warm. So warm it's like I'm standing inside a furnace. My train of thought spirals as he pulls me through the crowd. Their faces blur together and I put all of my focus into not tripping.

After we exit the bubble he doesn't stop. Towing me behind him like an extension of himself.

"Draco," I whisper.

As everything hits me at once the forest blurs and distorts. I try to tug my hand free to no avail.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask.

Draco whirls around causing me to bump into his chest. The sudden movement throws off my balance, but he holds me steady with one hand on my side. The other still locked with mine. My eyes can't focus. The whole world is hazy and I don't think I'm enjoying this anymore.

"If you would've just listened to me we wouldn't be in this predicament," he says, voice low.

Now I remember that I'm mad at him.

"I don't have to listen to you, stupid Malfoy."

"Do you even hear yourself right now?"

My limbs feel numb. Heavy as if I'm swimming in jell-o. Draco's smell wafts over me and I realize we've never been this close before.

"I was just trying to have fun and you ruined it," I say.

"The only thing I ruined was you blacking out and ending up in Nott's dorm."

"I wouldn't have done that."

"What do you mean you wouldn't have done that? You were practically sitting on his lap."

Draco begins leading me through the forest again as I try to recall what he's talking about. I don't think I was in Theo's lap. Was I? My breathing becomes labored as I struggle to keep up.

"If I was sitting on his lap, which I don't recall doing by the way, what makes it your business?"

I can hear the slur in each word and become increasingly annoyed at my lack of control. Draco's silence fuels my anger. I'm sick of him dragging me around. Acting as if he's my boss. I make a split second decision and drop onto my ass on the forest floor.

"Get up," he says, lightly yanking my arm.


He squats down beside me, gripping my chin and forcing me to meet his eyes.

"If you don't stand up right now I will sling you over my shoulder and take you kicking and screaming all the way to the headmasters office and let them deal with you and your shitty behavior."

I'm so frustrated I can't hold back the tears.

"Bloody hell, are you crying?" he asks, rubbing a thumb across my damp cheek.

"Yes," I say between quiet sobs.

"One more chance, get up."

I don't move, crossing my free arm across my chest like a toddler throwing a fit. Draco holds true to his word and pulls me to my feet.

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