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Robin's pov: "Y/n please! We're at a party, let me have fun!" I whine, y/n won't let me have another drink cause I'm already slightly drunk.

"No robin, yá stop drinking. You're underage too you shouldn't be drinking that much, or at all."

"So? You do!"

"But like, I don't drink five drinks I only get half a cup of spiked punch."

"Whatever." I said before rolling my eyes, a little while later a girl came up to me and offered me a drink.

Y/n's pov:
"Hey want a drink?" She asked him with a flirty tone, standing there with a drink in her hand offering him it. But something about this girl but of course since robin was desperate for a drink he accepted it. The girl winked before walking off, robin was about to drink it when I realized something so I snatched the cup and poured it out into the sink.

"What the hell y/n!" He yells over the music.

"Shut up, she drugged it!"

"How do you know..?" He said in a tone where he thinks he's proving something.

"The ice wasn't floating, pendejo."

"Oh." He says looking at the sink I dumped it out in.

I know this was short but I haven't posted in a while cause of school but I'll try to post more🩷

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