Would You?

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"Morning Koko!" His voice rang out across the carpark as she opened the back door. All the way there, he'd wondered how to play it. Should he make a show of an apology? Should he pretend it all never happened. Should he risk asking her if she was still angry with him?

As usual, he bottled it. Pretend he hadn't seen the look. Let her set the pace. Try to rescue what he could.

She saw his car pull into the space as she reached the door. Should she wait to see if he was alone? Should she pretend she hadn't seen him? Or should she walk right up to him and ask him outright.

For a date.

She'd lain awake all night. Thinking about him. About the kitchen. About Susie. If he was REALLY happy, she told herself, he wouldn't have followed her into the kitchen. That was deliberate. But then, the angel on her other shoulder said, he did tell you about the sugar. But, argued the devil. Whatever you imagine is often ten times worse than the truth.

She had time to do none of these.

"Morning Koko!"

She turned and smiled politely. She unlocked the door, then lifted the box of cleaning stuff - another of her duties - determined to be friendly yet professional. She waited, propping the door open with her foot.

Tom drew level with her and immediately relieved her of her burden. As he did so, their fingers brushed and a tiny "oh!" escaped her.

His eyes instantly flew to hers, and he could see her pupils were inky pools ringed by... what colour WERE those enchanting eyes? He'd been sure they were green, but today? They looked almost blue. He stared intensely, unmoving.

"Tom?" Her voice broke into his thoughts. "We need to actually go through the door, Tom."

"S-sorry, yes, sorry. Zoned out for a minute there..." he flushed. She gave him a look and ge realised what he'd said. "I mean, I was distracted by your eyes." He winced. This wasn't getting any better, was it?

"Really? You're not even in the door? What would Susie say? I told you, Tom. I'm nobody's toy. Now, if you'll do me the honour of dropping that box off in the storeroom, I'll make you a cup of tea before we begin."

"Angie, I'm sorry, love. I don't seem to be behaving particularly well to you. It's just..." he started to explain as they walked. He didn't get to finish. Simon walked in behind them and, walking between them, called out a cheery 'Good Morning Children!'

Angie immediately retreated to the kitchen, and Tom was left standing in the hallway.


"Yes, Tom?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course! You're the client, your wish - or question - is my command!" He laughed, and it made Tom genuinely laugh for the first time that morning. Simon had an infectious joy and a warm manner. It made you relax instantly. Exactly the kind of skill a good photographer needed.

"Well, two things, really."

"Fire away, old man!" Simon was setting up a chair and lamp for todays first shoot. Professor Loki. Three piece suit, glasses, leather wing-chair, table kaden with books at his side. Tesseract acting as a bookend. It had been another suggestion. A female suggestion.

"Where do you want these?"

Simon looked up and pointed to a cupboard at the side. Tom nodded and quickly stowed the box. He walked back over, hands in pockets, chewing his lip.

"You said two things?" Simon prompted him. Tom seemed distracted today. Was it something to do with his girlfriend? Or Angie? Or both?

"Yeah, well, you know her best. What she likes, doesn't like, that sort of thing?" He waited, and Simon put down a pile of books and walked over, perching on the edge of the desk.

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